Chapter 5

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**Heyo guys! Here is the next chapter. I have been on vacation over the weekend so that's why there was no chapters this weekend. Anyways I will let you guys start reading.**

Yugi's POV

I stand with my katanas out as I scan the number of rabids that stand in front of me. "Well isn't this just amazing. Little Yugi is defending a bunch of humans. I bet their blood tastes as sweet as yours did the night you were turned," screeches the leader and all of the other rabids start laughing. My eyes flash crimson in anger and I growl at him. "What are they saying," asks Joey. "I don't know, but I have a feeling that Yugi knows what they are saying," says Bakura. I remember what they sounded like as a human. Just a bunch of hisses and screeches. "I would die for them," I say. "Well I intend on fulfilling that for you today," he says and starts laughing.

One charges at me but I easily take it down with my sword. "So Yugi does know how to handle a sword," says Seto. The sight of their fallen comrade enrages them. I turn to everyone behind me. "You guys need to run. Get to the tunnel," I say. "Yugi, we are not leaving you behind again," says Ryou. They then charge and I know the chance that they had for running is gone. Their best bet is against the rock. I use my telekinesis to push them back against the rock and I charge at the rabids. I mainly use my swords. Just slashing at limbs and taking off heads.

I throw knives at rabids who try to go near the others. I use my telekinetic power to toss them like dolls. They start to use their numbers against me and I get thrown into a tree and I don't know where my swords are. Just great. First fight and I lose my swords. I slowly get up ignoring the pain in my side from the impact. I smile as I approach them again. I see that I dropped their numbers to about 30. "It's over Yugi. Stop fighting," he says. "Never," I yell back at him. My eyes have long since turned to crimson and blackness has appeared around them. My teeth are exposed at him. The sight is probably scary to the rest of them. I use my strength to tear their limbs and heads off.

My anger at him is fueling my strength. Once I finish off the last one, I turn and see the leader stalking up to them. "Now to hit him where it really hurts," he says. Using my speed, I run up behind him and jump on his back and sink my teeth into his neck. He flails around trying to get me off but I grip on tight. I place my hands on his temple and use one of my gifts on him. "Pain," I say and he falls to the ground screeching. I get up and stand over him. "This. What your feeling right now is only a fraction of what I felt that night you decided to take my life away," I say as he continues to writhe on the ground.

"Just end it already. You've won why not end it," he says through clenched teeth. I pick him up by his shirt with one hand and hold him in the air. "I should make it slow, but I won't," I say and drop him also ending the pain my power was causing. "What so your just gonna drop me like that," he says. "No, I'm not the one who is going to judge you. The gods are," I say. I pick him up and bite through his neck decapitating him and drop him to the ground. I take a few steadying breaths in hopes of calming myself down.

It works somewhat. I then move all the pieces into one pile use my powers. With the snap of my fingers, a fireball appears in my hand. I toss it at the pile and it goes up in smoke. I just watch the pile burn. I killed the one who killed me. Well technically he didn't, Caius did. "Yug," says Joey. I turn around and face my friends. "Wait that may not be Yugi. It could be a vampire pulling a trick," says Malik. "Yugi, is that you," asks Ishizu. "Hold on guys," says Tristan who is looking at Yami.

"Aibou, is that you," he says inching closer to me with tears in his eyes. "Mou hitori no boku, I am your Aibou. I am here," I say with a sob. He runs up to me and wraps his arms around me despite the blood and gore. "Yami, I'm all disgusting," I say. "I don't care," he says. I hold him tight but don't hurt him. "That's definitely Yugi," says Seto. "I can't believe it that your alive right in front of me," he says while crying. "Shh I'm here. I never left," I say. He buries his face into my hair and cries. I bury my face into his neck inhaling his intoxicating scent. It makes me want to taste him, but it doesn't make me want to drain him.

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