Chapter 4

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**I am back with another chapter! Thanks to those who are reading this story and a big welcome to the new ones. Welcome to the dark side where we will be serving cookies and milk for the duration of this fic. Now back to your regularly scheduled puzzleshipping. Brought to you by puppyshipping cause it's cute and in this fic too.**

Yugi's POV

It's been a few months since I have started becoming accustomed to my new life and it has been one huge roller coaster ride. I have been writing in my journal every day and it always ends up going back to Yami in some way shape or form and ends with me crying myself to sleep. I have gotten a lot better at control and I have begged Caius to let me go see them, but he never lets me go. He always says that they will be disgusted by me and hate me. I know them and they will just be happy I am not dead.

Granted a little pissed but they will be happy. I have discovered the vampire abilities that this life has granted me. For one, I have telekinesis. I can move almost any object with my mind. I struggle with heavy ones, but I am getting better. I can cause people an immese amount of pain just by looking at them and saying the word pain. Caius hates that power cause the only way I can train it is by using it on him. The amount of pain rivals what I felt when I was attacked by the rabid. The last one is mind control.

That one is a fun one. I can make someone do just about anything with the right control. I have decided to go out and check on my friends. I have no idea what I am going to find. I hop up the house and peek inside a window. "He hasn't come out of his room in days. What are we gonna do," says Anzu. "Well you'd be heartbroken too if the person you loved for years was eaten by a rabid," says Tristan. I wince a little at that sentence. "That was a little heartless Tristan," says Malik.

"I'm sorry. I guess this has hit me harder than I thought. I mean why Yugi? Why did this have to happen to him," he asks. "I say we should all get some rest. We're going out for food tomorrow right," says Ryou. "Yeah, we are running a bit lower than I like and I'd like to replenish the stock," says Bakura. "Think we can get boss man out of his room in the morning," asks Joey. "I don't know, but we will figure it out tomorrow," says Tristan and the group heads to their rooms leaving only Ryou. "Yami, I know how bad you must feel right now," he says leaning against the door.

"I can't imagine loosing Bakura and I know how much Yugi meant to you. He meant a lot to us all. Yugi wouldn't want you holed up in this room all the time. He would want you out there fighting and living. He loves you and is watching over you. This goodbye isn't forever. It's only till you see him again when it's your time," he says and goes to his room. Oh Yami. I hear sobbing coming from our room and I can't listen anymore. I hop down and run back to the building which I learned was a hospital after I was allowed out for the first time.

I run inside to my room and bury my face in my hands and tears fall down my face. "So you found out they hate you," says Caius. "No, Yami is a wreck without me and they are barely holding on to him. I couldn't live knowing he is dead because of me," I say in between sobs. He sighs and sits next to me. "You know. I have never heard someone speak so highly of their friends like you have," he says. "Because we have known each other for years. They know I couldn't hurt them," I say. "They have to go outside the wall for food don't they," he asks.

I nod. "Well I saw a vision of them going outside the wall tomorrow. The rabids have been getting very restless and coming out sooner than normal. It's also going to be cloudy. Why don't you go along for protection," he says. "Really, you're gonna let me do that," I say. "Yeah, honestly Yugi you don't really need me anymore. I have taught you everything I know and you have learned it phenomenally fast. You are ready to face the world on your own and make your own decisions," he say. "But what about hunting," I say.

I was still had a little to learn about hunting and how to do it without harming the human. "You will be fine Yugi. Now if you choose to stay here that's fine, but if you do go then be sure to visit me and don't be a stranger," he says smiling. I give him a hug which he returns. "Thank you, I think I'm gonna go back," I say. "Well then rest up just in case," he says before walking out of the room. I smile at the door. I'm finally going home. I just hope they accept me and aren't angry. I can't help but think that Caius knows something that I don't. He was acting weird the whole time he was talking.

I shrug it off and go to lay down. I notice a box on my bedside table with a necklace in it. It is one big red jewel that is blood red and three tear drops hanging from it. One being crystal the others metal. (Picture above) I pull out the note. 'Yugi, you have grown up so much as a young vampire and I sensed you might need this. This necklace allows the wearer to walk in the sun like a human. It has been in my family for generations and I think it's fitting that I give it to you. In the event that you need another necklace made, you will need to find a witch. I won't be around to see you off in the morning unfortunately. Good luck Yugi. - Caius'

Tears come to my eyes at the gift. He gave me the ability to see the sun again. I will cherish this for as long as I have it. There was an ominous feeling in the note. I put on the necklace before laying down and going to sleep. I wake up just before sunrise the next day to prepare for the day. I find some of my old clothes in the drawers and put those on along with my usual chocker and lastly the necklace. I check myself in the mirror before grabbing my belt with my knives and wrapping it around my waist and strapping my katanas to my back. I take a deep breath before heading outside. I walk down the street as the sun rises.

When it hits my skin, it feels warm like it did when I was a human. Thank you Caius. I walk back to our sector and see the building in sight. I decide to hide in the shadows until they come out. It is about an hour later when the whole group stumbles out of the building. They're still upset from what I can see and Yami looks terrible. His hair is a mess and dull. His crimson eyes lost their shine. You can tell he's barely hanging on to the will to live. Oh Yami, I'm so sorry. I hide in the shadows and follow them as they make their way to the edge of the city. I race ahead and hop down the hole before they get there. I have no idea when I will confront them but I know that it will have to be soon.

Ra Yugi, just be a man and do it. I look up when I hear the man hole open up. They hop down into the tunnel one by one. They don't notice me behind them. "Are you sure about this," asks Anzu. "Yes you know we have to," says Malik. "Look I know everyone is still shaken up. Believe me I respected Yugi and he was my friend too. We need to move on and live our lives in honor of him," says Seto. They all nod and Seto walks alongside Yami in the front. I have to choke back the sobs. This group has been broken without me. I follow them to the house but I don't follow them in. I sit in a tree outside and just watch as the sun goes down.

They haven't come out yet and it's starting to worry me. I hear rabid noises in the woods so I venture into the woods a little. I look around. "Why have you come out here young one," I hear a hiss like voice say. A rabid walks out from the shadows. "You should know," I growl at the rabid. "Why protect them? You've been given the gift of the night. You are so much more than them. They are nothing but food," he hisses. I show him my teeth in warning. "If you even think about setting foot near them, then you will die again," I say. "Well then, I guess my friends aren't included in the deal," he says.

I hear a scream that I know is Anzu. I take off after them. When I finally reach them, I see the rabids have them backed against a large rock. I am not going to let this happen to them. I immediately jump in between them and the rabids and pull out my katanas. I hear gasps from them. "Oh my gods," says Marik. "Is that," says Ryou. "No way," says Tristan. "Yug," says Joey. "Aibou," I hear Yami say. I look back at them and nod before turning my attention on the rabids.

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