Start of Spring Break

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Brad's POV.

It's been a few day since Nick got his face slammed in to a locker, which means today is Saturday and the beginning of spring break. The guy, Jeremy who actually hit him has been suspended from school for ten days and the other two got ISS(In school suspension) for 5 days. I'm going to his house today to try to help him forget about what's happened, even if it's for a few hours. 

As I got changed, I had Green Day playing in the background. I went to the bathroom to brush my hair out and brush my teeth before heading out to walk to Nick's house. Outside, as I was walking, I saw little kids playing around in the street. Some throwing a bright blue ball around, others on their bikes and scooters. One kid fell of their green scooter and immediate started crying until his mom came to pick him up. I could see he had a scrape on his knee and elbow. 

Getting to Nick's house, I saw him sitting on the steps of his front porch. He looked tired and depressed, just like he has for the last few days. He gave me a weak half smile when he saw me. I waved. The wound on his face was still really noticeable, which I know bothers him. He looked back down at his shoes.

"Hey" I greeted.

"Hey" he mumbled back.

"You doing better?" I asked. He rested his head on his knees, then shook his head 'no.' "Is there anything I can do to help?" He shrugged as a response.

Later on we played on his 64. Again, we played Super Smash Bros. He never put up much of a fight; I could easy kill him this time Usually I can only give him some damage, never actually throw him out of the screen. Every once in a while, he would just randomly jump of the platform, causing his character to lose lives. When he played as Yoshi, he stood at the very edge for a few seconds, then jumped and ground pounded to his death. That really worries me, to be honest. I felt my stomach growl. I haven't eaten since this morning.

"Are you hungry cuz I am" I said.


Nick's Pov.

Stop lying. My stomach is hurting from hunger. I don't wan to eat anything, though. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday morning and don't plan to eat today. Food equals energy, and energy equals life, and life equals hell. And maybe I'll lose weight and won't be called fat or ugly anymore. 

"If you want, you can eat," I told him, "I think we have pizza in the fridge."

"Yes please!" he chuckled.

We got up and went downstairs. We went into the kitchen, as I opened the fridge to look for the slices of pizza. I grabbed the pizza and tossed it in the microwave. A minute later I took it out and gave it to him on a plate. It looked good and smelled good but I refused to let myself want to eat it. I put my head down as he ate his food.

"How are you not hungry?" he asked. 

I shrugged, "I'm just not"

After he was done eating, we went outside to just explore the wilderness. I stared at my feet the whole time. I could see Brad from the corner of my eye glancing at me. My hands in my jacket pockets and my shoe laces untied, I continued to walk without even looking at him.

I started thinking about a few days ago. It's like I was reliving it. My heart started pounding the same way and my hands trembled. I could easily picture Jeremy's evil smile, and the way the blood came down my face. 

"Nick?" I heard as I snapped back to reality. "What were you thinking about?"

"Just stuff"

"Alright?" he said, "what kind of stuff?"

"Just last week I guess." I answered, truthfully.

"I know you're gonna hate me for this, but I think  you should go to a therapist."

God, I hate when it when therapy is brought up. "I don't need a freaking therapist."

"But it could help, Nick." He explained, "Maybe they can help you to be happy again."

"No, Brad, It's not gonna help. All they do is ask personal questions and give you useless feedback." I stated,

"That's not true."

"How would you know?" I asked, rudely.

"Cuz I've been to therapy before" He answered, "When I first went to middle school I got overwhelmed by everything, so my parents took me to talk to a psychologist, and she did help. Do I still have really bad anxiety? Yes, but no where near as bad as it was last year and in sixth grade."

"Well I'm not you."

"I know that, Nick. I just hate seeing you like this." He said.

"Just don't worry about me, okay" I told him.

"Telling me not to worry, is like telling someone with a broken leg to walk."

"Brad, It's not good for you to for you to worry so much." I advised him.

"Well being sad so much isn't good for you." he insisted.

"What's bad for me isn't important."

The conversation finally ended after the main points of it were repeated about 4 times. I feel like a jerk. He's just trying to be nice and supportive and all I do is be rude and stubborn. What's wrong with me?! 

Brad's Pov.

I hope I didn't sound rude. I've never seen Nick get irritated the way he did earlier. Usually when I try to talk to him about his possible depression, he stays in a relatively 'good' mood. He'll just continue to make stupid jokes, that I still find funny. This was so different. I shouldn't have brought it up. I should have just tried to kind and sympathetic, rather than telling him to go to therapy. I should have just tried to make him laugh, or to just think about something that isn't getting bullied. He probably hates me now.

(A/N.. Looking at this I kinda feel like it sounds a little like a story I've read so to avoid any conflicts. Please check out "Lock The Doors- Mattdock" by Okraebwned. I love that fanfic it's really good so make sure to give that story lots of love. I didn't mean to 'copy' it, It kinda just happened but it's about a thousand words that I don't want to re write so...)

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