"Hey Alex, I'm here." I said with a smile as I entered in his baby blue bedroom.

"Hey babe." He murmured still under the covers.

I sat on the bed staring at his dark blue covers which matched with the blue of the walls. I was so worried, I hated the fact that I could do nothing to make him feel better.

"Don't worry babe, I'll be fine soon, it's only the flu." Alex mumbled rubbing his eyes as he sat slowly next to me. I could see he was tired but he was still beautiful. He was always beautiful.

I kissed his cheek and hugged him. I missed him so much! I passed my hand in his short blond hair before looking at his beautiful eyes, dark as night.

"Why on earth are your lips busted?" He asked with a frown, anger in his eyes as he clenched his fists.

"Nothing important, I swear. Don't worry about it." I answered quickly putting my head on his shoulder, trying to calm him down.

"Is it Denis? I swear I'm going to kill that jerk!"  He yelled clenching his fists stronger which made his nails enter into the palms of his hands.

"Calm down, please, I'm fine! Do you want to watch a movie or a series? Did you already watch the new episode of The Walking Dead?" I said quickly trying to change the subject. I didn't want him to be mad, I hated when he was. I wanted to see his beautiful smile I fell in love with.

I took his laptop which was on his black desk next to his bed and looked for the new episode of The Walking Dead on the internet. I scrolled down the first page before finding the right link.

"Here it is!" I said with a big smile putting the laptop on the bed in front of us while Alex put his arms around me.

I put my head back on his shoulder sitting on his lap kissing him one last time before pressing "Play".

Hours later we watched the new episode of The Walking Dead and a few episodes of Supernatural. Well, we mostly cuddled but it was great.

"Are you hungry?" Alex asked me.

I nodded. He took my hand and led me downstairs. 

"Where's your mum?" I asked while Alex opened the fridge looking for something to eat.

"She's on a business trip for the weekend so we have the house for ourselves." He said looking at me with a wink and putting a hand on his chest suggestively.

"Alex... You need to rest, don't think about that." I groaned taking my head in my hands. He was impossible. He loved sex way too much.

"Oh come on! You know sports are good for health!" he said with a smirk. I could see he was trying not to laugh.

"That was not funny, mister." I glared at him crossing my arms on my chest.

"So... Do you want noodles?" He asked trying to change the subject, giving me an innocent smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine with that."

He made dinner for both of us and we ate in front of the TV watching Big Brother.

"Do you feel better?" I asked in a concerned voice while I was staring at his beautiful eyes.

"Yeah, you can stop worrying. I'm not going to die. And drugs are doing effects right now. Do you want to go to the beach tomorrow? We could leave early and spend the day there." He asked, trying to hide a cough.

"It would be cool. But only if you feel better!" I said with a stern look. I didn't want him to be sicker than he already was.

He nodded then we went upstairs to take a quick shower before falling asleep on the bed, his warm arms around me and a smile on my lips. Falling asleep in his arms was the best feeling ever.


"Babe....Babe... Wake up. I made you breakfast." He whispered in my ear before kissing me softly.

I opened my eyes slowly and I saw Alex above me with a plate of food next to the bed. He smiled and kissed me, biting my lips playfully which earned a small moan from me.

"Good morning." I murmured, giving him a sleepy smile as I sat next to him.

"Here, I made you a coffee with a part of apple pie, your favorite!" He said with a proud smile and shining eyes. He looked better than yesterday.

"Thank you so much, I'm so lucky to have you... I love you" I said with a smile so big that my jaw hurt.

I began to eat with Alex next to me. We were in a comfortable silence. Once we were full, he took my hand and we left the house. We drove for about one hour, listening to music and speaking occasionally.

"We're finally here." Alex said with a goofy smile as he stopped the car near the sea, on the warm white sand.

It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and the weather was hot which was strange, it was the end of the year already! We walked slowly near the sea, hand in hand. The beach was empty which was great as we had it for ourselves.

We sat on the sand before we got into our swimsuits. We played for a few hours in the sea, throwing water at each other. It had been a while since I had fun like this; it was great not to have to worry about anything.

We laid down on the sand, breathing hard from the fun we had. Alex put his arms around my waist, hugging me strongly and giving me sweet kisses on my shoulder and my neck. We began a very hot make out session, not having to bother about someone seeing us as the beach was empty. We ended up making sweet love on the sand.

"Wow...It was amazing, thank you." I whispered in his ear before kissing him gently.

"We should get dressed now. We have school tomorrow..." Alex said kissing me one last time before getting dressed. This day had been wonderful.

Once we were fully dressed, we went back to the car, hand in hand. Alex kissed me again before I left the car and I waved at him until I couldn't see him anymore. I went in my bedroom as quietly as possible, not wanting to wake up my mother. I fell asleep as soon as my head touched my pillow with a smile on my face as I replayed today's events in my head...


Thank you for reading/commenting/voting on my story. Don't hesitate to tell me what you think! :)

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