Taylor made her swear she wouldn't go after another despite the things they spew for the girls attention. And when Karlie absolutely promised she would be on her best behavior, Taylor sealed it with some more reassurance, branding themselves in the media.

"Normal American Girls", the most she's ever repeated those in the last ten years wasn't comparable to how much Taylor and Tree have her saying it in every interview Taylor's brought up in.

Every one of them- for the record.

Not that she minds, being associated with Taylor wasn't as disgusting as she had imagined before getting to know her. And to be fair, Swift was working her ass off trying to repair some of Karlie's reputation, well, what was left of it. So didn't she kind of owe her for that? Taylor didn't have to get involved, this was Karlie's mess and it was the bed she chose to make. If she keeps letting Taylor lay in that metaphorical bed with her, wouldn't she just be ruining Taylor too? They were the ones who couldn't get a lot at first, what if that was some kind of sign? A sign to stay away. Quickly she shakes her head, even remembering how much she couldn't stand Taylor in the beginning makes her sick. As if she were defending how she feels about Taylor now from how she did mere months ago. And as she rounds the corner to the rainbow bagel bakery Taylor was obsessed with, she can't believe how much she's really changed.

"All for a girl." She scuffs aloud to herself followed by a dark chuckle as she makes her way inside and comes out shortly after, order in hand.

Thankful that Ian called ahead, Karlie continues on the path to Taylor's house. Determined to not let who she once was interfere with who she's trying to be now.

Change is good, Kloss. You can do this.

At least, she hopes.


Being let in to Taylor's apartment building was a lot easier than she imagined and although Taylor's security knows Karlie, it's still not safe.

She'll remember that for later, when she decides to surprise Taylor again at random to show her she does pay attention.


Three hard knocks on Taylor's front door was all it took for the A list pop star to sleepily trudge her way to the front of the house and weakly pulls it open.

"Karlie?" She mumbles, groggy from the lack of sleep she's been getting and genuinely surprised. It was early, Karlie didn't usually do early.

"Hello, it's me." Karlie chimes happily in response, leaning in and kissing Taylor sweetly.

"What are you-" Taylor begins, still rubbing her eyes awake when she happens to spot the very familiar label on the box cradled in Karlie's right side. "Is that what I think it is?!" She exclaims, her now excited eyes darting from Karlie to the bag and back.

With a victorious, toothy smile Karlie proudly holds up the box and lifts the lid open slowly, Taylor seeming to fall into a good daze when the aroma hits her nose.

"And what would you think that is, Ms. Swift?" Karlie says in a sing-song voice, knowing that she's won over Taylor heart yet again today.

"Colors. Colors that taste amazingly good and that alone oddly confuses me, but I can't stop eating them?" She says quickly in response, not missing a beat or messing up one word.

Karlie's smile falls to a jaw drop of shock and Taylor shoves her laughing before pulling her back in by the sides of her coat and kissing her harder than their previous kiss.

"Come in for breakfast," Taylor mumbles with a smile against a speechless Karlie's lips. The taller girl simply nods, eyes still closed as if she were committing the kiss to memory. "The children miss you." Taylor adds as she takes the girl's hand and leads her inside.

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