Chapter 32

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"I got a replacement groomsman."

"Who is it?"


"You got Calum of all people," I shouted at Sara as I stopped looking at the shirt that I was about to pick up.

"It was short notice! Not to mention he seemed eager to join."

"Of course he did, he wants to ruin my wedding just like he ruins pretty much everything."

"Listen there's no one else we can get. It's not my fault you got all lovey-dovey with Luke 5 days before your wedding," Sara said frustratingly.

I felt bad because truly she had been planning this whole thing and putting in way more time and effort than I did.

When I get around Luke I'm just... electrified. I love Michael, I really do, but with him I don't get the same spark I get when I'm with Luke. Luke looking at me is different than Michael looking at me and Luke kissing me is different than Michael kissing me.

We walked into the food court and sat down at the Chic-Fil-A.

"Sara, I have a problem."

"Well that's been established," she says with a smirk as a softly hit her on the shoulder.

"I love Michael so much."


"But I love Luke too."

Sara looked at me and sighed loudly and I could tell she was thinking hard about how to respond to what I just said.

"You know what I think?"

"Yes please," I plead.

"I think you need to pick the one who is your favorite hello and your hardest goodbye. The one who you can still see giving you butterflies when you're 60. The one who you will have a million kids with, but most importantly the one who you think is truly, madly, and deeply in love with you. And I don't care if that's Lover Boy or Hemmings, you're getting married in 5 days. Make sure it's to the one you love."

I thought a lot about what Sara said the next night as I laid in bed with my -maybe- soon to be husband.

Both Luke and Michael have been such great guys to me, but both of them love me so differently.

For Michael, I was his crush, when he got me he felt like he got the girl next door.

For Luke, I was more than just a crush, but I was also a rush. When he got me we both experienced what chemistry truly felt like.

But I can't help but think, even though both of them love me. Only one of them is in love with me. And that's the one I'm going to marry in 5 days.

Hey guys!! Sorry this chapter is short but I SWEAR the next will be longer. School has been very stressful this year and the fact that I'm going to college this fall and still finding out what I want to do in life has been stressful/exciting. I hope that you guys will enjoy the rest of this story while it still lasts, sorry I couldn't update sooner but being a senior with a job, participating in school activities, and hella school work :-( is a lot of responsibility!!!thanks for reading! stay happy & beautiful!

best friends boyfriend // l.hTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang