Chapter 1

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"You know what, fuck you!" I said throwing anything in arms reach at my boyfriend, well now ex-boyfriend.

He grabbed my wrist before I could violate him more, "Let go of me."

"I'm sorry Elena, do you really think I wanted it to end this way?"

"You're not sorry that we're over Josh, you're sorry that I found out what you were doing all those days you weren't at home," I said as he loosened his grip.

I just found out that my boyfriend of 2 years had been cheating on me. I knew something was off when he wouldn't let me see his phone. Things got even weirder when he started coming home smelling like vanilla and having hickeys but he always had excuses for them. I let all of that slide. But what I saw today really set me off.

"You slept with that slut in our bed and didn't even have the audacity to get rid of her thong," I said holding the evidence.

"Listen I didn't mean for it to go that far but, let's be honest, our relationship hasn't been sailing for a while. We haven't slept together in months."

"Maybe if you were ever here, we would!" I shouted so loud I'm sure the neighbors could hear through the thin paper walls of the apartment.

A silence fell upon us for a few short minutes.

"Just please get out," I said softly.

"I'm not leaving, we can work this out." Josh said coming towards me.

I stepped back and said, "I don't wanna work this out, go screw your little whore."

"Maybe I will," he said and rolled his eyes.

Josh began to gather his things and I didn't even watch him as he left the apartment and our life together.

Josh and I's relationship wasn't the best but it was something.

I had too much on my mind I decided to call my best and only friend, Sara, she always knew what to say.

She didn't pick up.

Part of me was suprised and upset but the other part felt it coming. Ever since Sara got her new fashion intern job at a big magazine place she's been very busy.

Sara has always wanted a career in the fashion field. I'm obviously proud of her because she's my friend but it kind of sucks because I don't know what I wanna do.

I'm 21, I live alone now, and I work at a vegetarian diner called Veganation that barely pays me. I guess you could say I'm living the life.

I decided to go out to a bar. My boyfriend and I just broke up, my best friend is Lord knows where, and I had nothing better to do.

I sat down in a bar seat and laid my head on the table. I had so much going through my mind that I didn't even realize the bartender tapping my shoulder. I looked up to see my best friends boyfriend, Luke.

"Hey Elena, what's wrong?."

How do I begin to answer that question.


"Wanna talk about it?" he said wiping up the spot on the table next to me.

"No, I actually wanna get mega wasted and forget about it."

"I can help you with that," he smirked and we both laughed.

Luke made some drinks for us and told the dude he was working with that he was gonna go on a break.

"So tell me what's up?"

I was suprised at myself for opening up to him because I usually don't open myself up to people. That's part of the reason I only have one friend.

"Well you know what, it's his loss not yours."

"Whatever, I wanna dance!" I said, the alcohol was finally kicking in.

"Then go dance," he said chuckling.

"Not alone stupid!" I shouted while giggling, "dance with me," I said grabbing his hand and pulling him onto the floor before he could protest.

I moved my hips to the upbeat song playing in the background. I laughed at Luke's attempt to do the sprinkler. I could tell he was dancing like this to cheer me up and it was working.

After the song went off I began to lose my balance and fell into Luke's arms.

hi guys this is my first book so I'm not the best writer but I hope you enjoy it!!

what do you thinks gonna happen next with luke & elena???

leave a comment below!

thanks for reading!

best friends boyfriend // l.hحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن