Chapter 10

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"Is your middle name gutter ball because that seems to be the only thing you've been getting," Luke said with a smirk.

"Oh shut up like you're any better."

Just as I said that Luke rolled a perfect strike. Go figure.

I rolled my eyes as he cheered at his score on the screen.

"Are you sure you don't need to move to a bumper lane?" Luke asked sarcastically.

"Are you sure you're not getting too cocky," I replied punching him softly.

He laughed and I went to pick up a ball and tried to figure out where to put my fingers.

"Let me help you," he said guiding my fingers into the different holes and showing me how to hold it.

We both walked up to where you roll it.

"Now just roll," he whispered with his hand on mine.

I rolled and surprisingly I hit 8 pins, which was more than I had hit the entire game.

Luke's hand let go of mine and he high fived me.

"See it's just that easy."

Nothing's easy when I'm around you.


Luke and I began to talk and
hang out more. We became friends quickly and it was really nice to have a guy friend but I did miss having a boyfriend.

I was just getting off work so I decided to text Luke and ask him what he was up to.

"Hey do you mind closing up?" Ashton asked as he untied his apron and began to hop over the counter.

"No problem."

"Cool, I'll see you later."

"See ya," I said as I locked the cash register. I closed up and walked out the diner.

I looked down at my phone as I began my walk towards my car. I had a text from Luke.

Luke: Wanna do a movie marathon?
Me: Sounds good. As long as I can pick.

I chuckled and looked up. Before I could see what Luke replied back, I was met with eyes I thought I'd never see again. And sure didn't want to see again.

wow what do you think Calum has to say to Elena??? thx 4 reading!

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