Chapter 8

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(previously in chapter 7)

He grabbed me and I couldn't escape his arms because I was too weak. I screamed and he put his hands over my mouth.

"Oh, I've been waiting to take you home all night."

When he said that I took as a chance to attack. I bit his hand and he yelped in pain. As he was trying to recover I ran through the neighborhood. I didn't know where I was or where to go but I did know who to call to get me.

"Luke," I said and couldn't help the tears falling down from my face.

"Elena what's wrong?" Luke said and I could hear the seriousness in his voice.

"I need help," I said barely getting my words out as I continued to hiccup and cry.

"Elena baby, tell me what's going on."

"Calum took me to his house and he tried to," I couldn't continue my sentence just thinking about what he would've done to me if I hadn't of gotten away, "I told him to stop and he-"

"That bastard," Luke said with so much anger in his voice, "I'll be there in a few minutes don't leave."


I was currently in the backseat of Luke's car and Sara and him were arguing.

"Why would you set her up on a date with a guy like this?"

"He seemed like a really nice guy!"

"Nice guys don't take a girl to their place when she says she wants to go home! Nice guys know that no means no!"

"I'm sorry Luke, you act like this is all my fault."

"It's part of your fault, you're the-"

"Stop," I said and they both went quiet.

"Listen El, I'm sorry about that creep you know if I had've known he was like that I would not have set you up with him," Sara said.

"Sara you don't have to apologize it's not your fault that guy has no respect for women."

"Are you sure you don't wanna stay at our place tonight?" Luke said as he pulled into my apartment parking lot.

"Yeah, I'm fine I'll see you guys later."

I got out of the car and walked into my apartment.

I closed my door and let my back slide down it. My thoughts flashed back to those moments with Calum. I will never forget about this day.

The next morning I got up and went to work. I tried not to think of what happened yesterday.

After my break, Sara came in. She sat down at a table and I came over to her.

"Hey, I'm really sorry about last night."

"Please let's not talk about it," I said and sat down in the chair across from her.

"Can we hang out tonight."

"You inviting any more creeps this time?" I said half jokingly.

"Nope, it's just going to be me, you, and whatever you wanna do."

"Now that sounds like a plan."


Sara and I went to the mall and she helped me pick out some new clothes. A lot of my clothes smelled like Josh or just weren't my style anymore. I needed a new niche and Sara was the right person to help me considering she's basically a fashion stylist.

After picking out and trying on clothes, we went to her house and sat on her couch watching Clueless and eating ice cream.

I was going to miss moments like
this. I hardly get to see Sara now, but not seeing her for 3 months sounded unbearable.

She glanced over at me and noticed my sulking.

"Hey, don't get sad again."

"I can't help it, my best and only friend is leaving for 3 months."

"You'll still be able to talk to me just not physically and you'll have that lover boy at your job," she said and we both chuckled, "and you'll have Luke."

I gulped. Part of me wanted to tell Sara about my sudden development of feelings for Luke but I knew that now was definitely not the right time.

"You're right."

"I know I am," she said smirking and I hit her with a pillow.

best friends boyfriend // l.hUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum