C h a p t e r 4 2

Start from the beginning

"I'd watch your fucking mouth if I were you"
My dad says.

"You heard him, get the fuck out of this house"
Levi says, gritting his teeth.

"Who the fuck are you? Don't tell you what to fucking do"
My dad replies, he's starting to get really pissed.

"I show up to your house and this is the welcome I get? How disappointing"
My dad then spits out.

I spit at him.

He whips a hand gun out of his pocket at point it at us.

"Everyone get the fuck out apart from Emmy and Drew"

"Are you fucking crazy?! We're not gonna leave them two"
Charlie suddenly buts in.

My dad suddenly looks at Millie with a twisted look in his eye.

"Is that your girlfriend?"
He asks Charlie.

"What does it matter to you?"
Charlie replies.

He takes a few steps forward and puts the gun on Millie's forehead.

"If you don't all leave, I'll blow her fucking brains out"

Millie sobs hysterically.

Charlie cries out.

I shout at them all.

And with that, they all run out.

"Why are you doing this to us"

Drew says, his voice cracks, he's trying so hard not to cry.

My dad just laughs.

He turns around to take something out of his pocket.

Suddenly, drew grabs a vase and smacks him on the head, he falls to the floor, moaning loudly in pain.

Drew grabs my hand, pulls me up and we go to run out the front door but my dad scrambles up and runs after us, so we didn't have time to run down the hallway to the front door. Instead we run up the stairs, into my room and behind my wardrobe.

Luckily my dad didn't see us but we hear his feet banging up the stairs.

"You're gonna regret that you son of a bitch"
My dad screams.

Tears start pouring down my face, Drew covers my mouth and tells me everything thing will be okay.

We hear his footsteps walking around trying to find us.

"Come out, come out wherever you areeeee"
My dad laughs to him self.

My forehead is gathering beads of sweat on it and my heart is pounding.

"Listen, I have a plan but you're not gonna like it"
Drew whispers so quietly that I can barely hear.

"Just tell me"

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