C h a p t e r 2 9

61 7 7

Taylor walked into the living room flashing that fake smile at everyone until her eyes met mine.

Her eyes traveld down then back up to meet my eyes again.

Her face dropped but then quickly recreated a smile.

"OMG HI EMMY, IT'S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU" She fakely screeched.

"Waaaaaaaait, you two know each other?" Nate slowly said.

"Um well not ex-"

"YES YES YEEEES, we met in food tech and we got partnered up and we got along really well and we always speak now" Taylor cut me off.

I stared at her blankly and she shot me a look to shut me up.

Everyone looks over to me and i nod and smile weakly.

Everyone just shrugged and carried on what they were doing.

The rest of the night consisted of her giving me dirty looks and distracting Drew every time he came over to me.

It's now half two in the morning and we're in the middle of playing spin the bottle.

"Right" Levi starts.
"Whoever this lands on,has to kiss the person on their left"

Nate spins the bottle and it lands on Taylor.


The person on her left is....DREW.

I see her smirk at me before leaning in. My heart races. I'm hoping that Drew pulls away but he doesn't.

Their lips collide and she puts her hand through his hair.

Like I've said a few times before, when me and Drew kiss , we look into each others eyes and then we kiss. His eyes are brown and mine are blue. His are like the earth and mine are like the sea. When we kiss, its like the earth and sea collide.

Taylors eyes are green so hers didn't go. I could tell that there wasn't a spark between them. It i could tell she was just going this out of spitefulness.

That's why i didn't storm off because mine and Drews relationship is strong and if i walked off then she'd know that she was winning.

After about a minute of them snogging, they pulled away.
Drew look at me and mouthed a gunuine sorry, i just smiled back, I'm not gonna let my weakness show.

"Let's make this the last round, whoever it lands on, gets to make out with anyone of their choice" Said Austin.

Taylor insisted that she should spin the bottle, when she did, It landed on me.

I shouted inside of my head.

I turned to Drew, but before our lips connected, i took a quick look at Taylor's face and she had the most sour look on her face . i have to try not to laugh.

Me and Drew connect our lips. I wrap my arms around his waist and climb onto his lap.

He slides his hands under my bum and i swear to god if i was a dude I'd have a boner right now.

Me and Drew finish our session and Taylor isn't happy at all.

We all decide to go to sleep because we're all really tired.

I lay there awake while all the others are asleep.
Ugh Taylor pisses me off so much i can't.

Let's hope that tomorrow is a better day aye?

I don't really know what to put here so um hi.
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~ Cerys x

A little thing called loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن