C h a p t e r 3 6

53 9 3

Drew Drew Drew. That was all that that was going through my mind. I didn't realise how much I'd missed him until now.

I know I'm in a relationship with Levi but I can't control my feelings.

I went to the toilet and as I'm walking back to where everyone is, a hand grabs mine and pulls me into a siding.

I look up to see Drew.



"What do you want?"

"Look, Emmy, I miss you. Loads. I regret everything that happened, I want you back, so friggin bad"

"Look, I'm not going to lie, my feelings for you have grown back but I'm with Levi"

"Yeah I understand that, but just know that I love you Emmy, I really do"

And with that, he walks off.

I walk back in the room to see Levi waiting on a chair. He sees me and runs up to me.

"Hey Emmy, can I talk to you?"

"Yeah sure"

We both walk over to the corner of the room. He grabs my hand and gives me a sad smile.

"Levi, what's going on?"

"Emmy, I know you have feelings for Drew, I'm not stupid. I'm not mad though, in any way. Right from the start of our relationship, I knew that this was gonna happen at some point, In fact, I was the one who told him to go and talk to you like 5 mins ago, don't be sorry for anything, this is for the best, I love you Emmy, now go and get your man back"

I laugh and pull him into a hug, he wipes the tears away from my eyes, kisses my forehead and goes to the toilet.

I take it that Drew has spoken to Taylor about this because she looks really angry and she's heading my way...

I'm so bad at updating I'm sorry
~ Cerys X

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