C h a p t e r 11

88 9 17

TYSM FOR 286 READS! *haven't edited so sorry for any mistakes*

Emmys POV

Today is the day that we're leaving. I woke up this morning and everyone was already awake, they were all sitting out side of the tent on the grass. Sophie hasn't spoken to me since she found out what happened between me and Levi, she's annoyed at him too but they're still speaking.

All eyes are on me when I walk out of the tent. No one says anything and it's kinda awkward.

*coughs* "Hey so um how was your sleep?"
Austin asked.

"Um yeah it was good, thanks, what about you?"

"Yeah it was fine, thanks"

Every one just sits there not speaking. It made me feel like shit because when I wasn't out here, everyone was talking and laughing with each other. I get up, slip on my converse and go for a walk.

"Where are you going?"
Millie called out.

I ignored her and carried on walking along the mud path.

I stayed out pretty much the whole day, we weren't leaving till much later on.

After I walked pretty far, I sat down under this big oak tree and that's when the tears start to fall. Who knew that one little kiss could cause so much trouble? Like yeah, I know I shouldn't have done it, but everyone is over reacting.

I finish crying after about 20 minutes and check the time, it 8pm!!! I've been out since 11 this morning!! I didn't even realise it had been this long.

I suddenly feel a body sit down next to me. I look over to see Drew with knees to his chest and one arm resting on them.

"What are you doing here?"
I questioned him

"I was worried ok?! Look Em, we need to sort things out, it hurt so much seeing you kissing Levi, but I'm not prepared to let you go, so, can we just forget about all of this and just carry on?"

"Yes!! Of course we can, it's been so hard not speaking to you, I've missed you so much Drew"

"I've missed you too, just promise me that you won'tdo anything like this ever again"

"Pinky promise"

"Come on then, we better get going, the others have been worried about you"

"Have they?"

"Yeah, after you left we all felt bad"

"I left because when I was in the tent, you guys were talking and laughing together, but when I came out, everyone stopped and fell silent"

"I'm sorry Em"

He kisses me on the forehead and we get up to go back to the tent.

When we get there everyone is happy for me to be back.

Levi shouts.

I feel Drew tense as Levi hugs me.

The rest on the are sitting on a blanket.

"Wheres maddy and nate?"
I ask.

Millie nods her head over to the tent. I creep over there and peep my head inside.

I scream

Maddy is lying on top of nate and they've both got each others tounges down their throats and nates hands are squeezing Maddy's bum.

I say to Maddy and Nate.

"Emmy calm yo tits"
Maddy says in fits of laughter

"Emmy's right, don't be silly, cover your Willy" Levi says.

We all burst out laughing, tears rolling down our faces. After everyone has stopped laughing, it's like 9pm we're leaving in half an hour.

By the time we've all finished packing, it's 9:35. We all climb into the car and drive off. We've been driving for like 2 hours and everyone is hungry so we stop off and McDonalds. I order a double cheese burger meal *A/N* double cheese burger meals from McDonalds are the best thing on the menu, try me.

As we're just finishing our meals, I realised that I hadn't had any call from my parents. Deep, deep down, I have a bad feeling.

The rest of the car journey is silent because everyone else has fallen asleep apart from me and Austin because he's driving.

Austin drops everyone off and he stops at my house last, I'm the only one left, he says bye and drives off.

I get out my set of keys and unlock the door. I call out to see if anyone's in, no one is.

I feel kinda worried, my parents wouldn't have left without not telling me.

I figure they might be at the hospital, so I walk there. I can't drive but it isn't a long walk.

I get to the hospital and ask the lady at reception if my mum had checked in, I obviously said what her name was.

The lady told me that my mum was in fact here, she told me what ward she was in and what room. I say thank you and run to where my mum is

I burst through the door, and my heart drops...

Thanks for all the reads/votes/comments, keep it uuuuuuuuup

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