C h a p t e r 1 0

78 8 2

Drew's POV

I haven't really spoken to Emmy after what happened. I don't hate her, God I couldn't ever hate her. It just hurt me so much.

My best fucking friend kissed my girlfriend. That just isn't right.

I know that Emmy didn't mean it, I just need some space from everyone.

Sophie and Levi had an argument about something. I don't know what but right now I don't really care.

"Hey Drew. Do you want to come and take a walk with me? You haven't really been out for a while" Austin asks me.

I suppose he's right. I haven't been out and a walk seems like a good option right now.

We decide to head to the beach and just have a good time. Nate comes with us too.

Austin made me bring my surfboard so he didn't look lonely in the water.

After surfboarding and swimming for a bit, I almost forget about what happened.


"Why the long face? Cheer up and come and surf a while more" Nate asks me.

Austin and Nate are always so caring. They never let anyone feel upset for long.

Nate practically drags me back down the beach and into the water. Austin and I catch some good waves whilst Nate keeps getting hit by them all.

I can't help but laugh at him failing. A wave comes at hits me straight in the face causing Austin and Nate to burst out laughing this time, soon joined by me.

After drying off we head over to a restaurant for a meal.

"Hi. I'm Mackenzie, your waitress for today. What can I get you?" A woman in about her mid-twenties asks us.

"I'll just get a coke and a burger please" I order.

The boys get the exact same as me. No surprise there!

Our food arrives and looks amazing! I eat it really quickly and wait for the boys to finish.

I scroll through my Twitter as I wait for them just looking for funny tweets.

As I scroll through I see a photo that Maddy has put up of her, Sophie and Emmy at the pool.

I sigh, not even caring that the other boys heard me.

"Dude. Just try and take your mind off of it" Nate says. I can't tell if he's sympathetic or annoyed.

"It's just hard. You've been through it too guys. You know how it feels" I say.

We pay our bill and walk along the beach walk, watching the sunset. It's beautiful.

Austin suggests to head back to go to sleep and I agree because I'm so tired.

When we get back, everyone is already asleep so I creep into bed. Hopefully tomorrow will get better.

Hey guys it's Izzie again! Cerys asked me to do this chapter and I'm sorry that it's really short but it's almost midnight on a Thursday and I could not think of anything for them to do so I hope that this is okay Cerys!
-Izzie (tradleysmcball ) X

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