Come back

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I've been on neverland for 3 years now well I think anyway Pan doesn't tell us.
In fact lately Pan hates me he used to demand that I call him Peter but now treats me like the orphan I used to be he even calls me the name I was called in that awful place "trunk "Like tree trunk because of my old scars caused by a car accident in which both my parents die I was the only person to survive.
When pan found this out he had a great time upsetting me it's like he gets enjoyment out of watching people suffer.

Time skip two weeks later

Today I'm sat at the outskirts of camp eating the "food" filex tried to cook .
I don't eat as much as i used to due to peters i mean pans bullying.

"Y/n "
I swung around and saw it was only tink .
"Hey tink" I whispered
"Hey you oKay ?"
"Yh  I think " I sighed
"You don't look it " think said slightly concerned
I just shrugged and put my bowl down
"Y/N!!" Peter yelled across camp
"Yes PAN" I asked trying my best to be nice
"Why are you wasting that food !"
"Because I " I was cut off by pan
"Well if you get any fatter you won't be able to fit in your tree house and I ain't fixing the floor if you full through with you humongous legs !" The lost boys all laughed  tink flew off as she felt sensitive
I got up and started to walk away trying not to cry this what happens every morning but this time tink had been here and heard it
"Oh and one more thing don't stomp to head don't want an earthquake to kill any more people. I bets that's why your Mum and Dad aren't here because your big fat ass probably made the car crash "  pan laughed historically
I sobbed so loud everyone heard peter had never seen me react like this .
I ran up the stairs to my tree house locked the door and just sat there on the floor crying . after a few hours I was all cried out I was looking at the pictures of me and my Mum Dad and best friend just begging to feel something but I felt nothing. Even when pan came up to my the tree house to see if I wanted dinner I just looked at the pictures and said nothing.

Peters POV
It's been three days since Y/N has spoken to anyone I can't even hear her thoughts anymore (I'm telepathic) "Y/N !!!!" I screamed as loud as I can 
Still no answer. I start to worry by now all the boys are watching me . I flew up to the window but the bins are still down
" Y/N "  I yelled my voice starting to break
I banged the door again and again but no answer , so I tried I unlock the door wouldn't budge
"Y/N open this door now " I screamed slamming my hand against the door .
I closed my eyes and  focused on being on the other side of the door  . I felt like I was floating as I open my eyes and with that I was in . I choked as I opened the window and door as the light flooded in I saw her  she was so skinny I could see her bones her shirt was like a baggy dress . Then my eyes landed on her face with out me knowing my eyes watered as I looked at her once full cute red Pudgy  cheeks  were now pale and flat .
"Y/N" I yelled  fulling to my knees and pulling her in to my arms I could feel her breathing but I could also hear her heart beating slowly and quietly.
I flew out her tree house Y/N still cradled in my
"BOYS WERE GOING TO THE WATER FULL NOW !!" I screamed tears filling my eyes as I flew up threw the clouds going as quickly as I can
Soon we made it the boys had cut the Dreamshade bush Down so I jumped in with Y/N making sure she swallowed but then her heart stopped beating.
<<<<<<<<><><<<>><<<><<<<<><<<<<><<><<> time skip >><<><<~>~<~~~<~<~<~<~<~<<<

It nearly night full and the boys have made a bed for Y/N until I figure out how to make it better.
By now I have tried everything but true loves kiss but it couldn't possibly work now not after what I've done to her but I do love her I just thought that if she cried I could whip away the tears but no I took it to far once again. Once the boys where a sleep I thought what's the worst that could happen after all it's just a kiss.
I bent down over her a slowly pressed my warm lips to her perfect but cold ones as I kissed her I felt a warm tingling by my hand . As I looked down it was like fairy dust flying everywhere. Her body slowly lifted in to the air by now she was shining so brightly that I had to look away when suddenly she yelled "Peter" she said shocked that I had just been her first kiss "Peter thank you "
I smiled and kissed her again but this time I wasn't scared of the boys seeing me I love her I really do

Hey everyone I know it been ages so I hope you like this one I worked heard on this one
~~ peterswendy15 xxx

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