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Hay guys new imagine hope u enjoy it leave a comment or vote!!
Bye xx
By the way BF/N means best friends name
And emofreako14 wrote this for me .

Your (PoV)

You stared at the poster in shock whilst b/f/n squealed in delight beside you.

"Omg!!! A fancy dress Christmas  ball!"

She shook you by the shoulders.

"Maybe I can meet my crush. Oh and Robbie will be there y/n".

You felt a spark of excitement flicker up but you squished it down. Even though you liked Robbie the feud you two had begun in year 7 kept you apart.

"I'm working that night anyway Robbie hates me".

Bf/n pouted in disappointment.
"But I need you to come. Pretty please! I'll get you a dress!"
She grabbed your shoulders and shook you again.
"Fine !" You yelled "I'll find away to miss work".

"Oooh little y/n missing work
Oh no". You turned to find Robbie smirking at you devilishly his tone laced with sarcasm.
"Get lost Robbie," you sighed. Honestly you couldn't be bothered with his sarcasm right now.
"So you going to the ball? Really I'd never expect you to find a date. What boy asked you?"
"No one," you mumbled.
"Wass that?" Robbie made a show of putting his hand to his ear.
"No one!" You shouted.
"Of course not".
You growled at him.
"I bet you'll be too mortified to come," Robbie continued unaffected. "You'll be crying all alone on the night while I dance the night away".
You had enough.
"I'll be there Kay and you'll be so astounded you'll eat your words".
"Okay then but I expect a dance".
With that parting comment Robbie walked away humming a classical tune and making dancing motions as he went.
You watched him go.

Time skip to the night of the ball.

You looked in to the mirror again.
You were wearing a f/c dress which went down to your knees at the front but trailed against the ground at the back. It had one strap which went across your right shoulder. The dress was accompanied by matching heels (or flats if you prefer) and jewellery. A silver and black mask covered your upper features.
"Omg you look so gorgeous!" Bf/n squealed. She was also dressed in formal wear but her dress was short , reminding you of a fairy.
"Robbies so going to check you out".

Small time skip to the dance

Bf/n had just walked in with her date leaving you standing outside.
Classical music emanated from the double doors leading to the hall. After gathering up your courage you walked inside.

Eyes landed on you and the music stopped. You saw bf/n giving you thumbs up as you walked to the centre of the dance floor. Robbie stood in front of you mouth agape as you stood in front of him.
You smirked as he recollected himself. People went back to what ever they were doing although the boys still sent you appreciating looks.
"Miss would you like to dance?" Robbie held his hand out to you just like a gentleman. A blush warmed your cheeks but luckily your masked covered it.

Robbie swept you in to a dance as a song came on. You gazed at his appearance. He wore a dark grey suit with a lighter grey shirt. His green tye brought out his eyes and you blushed again. He looked extremely handsome.
"So mystery girl", Robbie startled you from your thoughts. "Do you have a name?"
You panicked. You couldn't tell him your real name out of fear of him teasing you.
"Cinderella. Why don't you call me Cinderella ".

Robbie smiled at you. Not the usual smirk but a proper smile.
"Well Cinderella will you be my date for tonight?"

You and Robbie danced and talked all night. You both mentioned your love of Starbucks and coffee. You had such a great time that before you knew it was midnight.
"I've got to go". You pulled away but Robbie grabbed your wrist.
"At lest tell me your name", he pleaded. You shook your head sadly and tugged free, running out of the room.

Robbie stood there staring at where you had ran. In his hand was a bracelet. The bracelet you wore every day .
Robbie stared at it in shock.
"Y/n ?" He said in shock.

The next day was Saturday and you were still in bed. The doorbell sounded and since you were home alone it meant you had to answer it. You groaned and got out of bed as the doorbell sounded again. You threw on a jumper and slippers heading towards the door.
"Yes?" You said as you opened the front door.
Robbie stood on the step.
"Robbie", you were surprised. "Why are you here?"

In reply Robbie simply held up your bracelet.
"It was you last night, at the ball".
Suddenly he lent forward and kissed you. It was tender and soft. You kissed back, melting in to Robbie's arms. Robbie pulled back. "Y/n I'm sorry for the way I've treated you. I thought that if I was mean to you it would get your attention. To be honest," Robbie ran a hand through his hair letting out a small chuckle. "I've had a crush on you ". Robbie looked away bashfully. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

You blushed and pulled him in to another kiss. When you finally broke apart Robbie smirked.
"By the way , nice pjs".

I asked my friend EmoFreako14 to write this so if you read this thank you 💙💚💙💚

Robbie Kay imagines fairytale style Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin