Littel red ridding hood

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Hay guys this is my first time writing so I hope you like it if you could leave some feedback I would really appreciate it and if you have any ideas for an imagine then just leave a
comment thank xx y/n (your name) y/b/f/n (your best friends name and y/b/g/f/n (your best guy friend name.Hope you like it😅😅😅

Y/n (PoV)

It's 7:30 and its already dark perfect for Halloween. The night was chilly and windy. The moon was full and there was not a cloud in the night sky. I was half asleep when I heard a scream I shot up from my bed to investigate. I looked out of my window to see a boy running afrter a girl with a cat outfit I lathed at myself releasing that it was Halloween. I looked at the time it was now 8:55 and I had a feeling that I had forgotten something right then my phone went off . A text message had just come throw.

Y/g/f/n : hope your ready for some serious fun lol.
I was just adopt to texts back when I heard a strange tapping sound I froze then something slammed against my window I swan around to see /y/b/f/n hanging on to the window sell my hand flue to my hart. She saw this a lath. "Come on open the window " she whispered
I opened the window and pulled her in she raises an eyebrow at me and said " you forgot didn't you" she sounded like she expected me to forget.
" what was I supposed to remember then"
" y/n , were going to a party and we have to find it because it's in the woods"
"Um if it's in the woods how do you know exactly where it is" she walked over to the middle of the room and said " excuse you I am the best tracker you'll ever meet"
I rolled my eyes and walked to my wardrobe and looked for some thing I could ware to the party. I started to dig in the massive pill of cloths initll I found something long I pulled it out and held it to the light it was an old hood it was red it had patterns of flowers and leafs that where darker then the background red. I can't remember when I got this I think some old widow gave it to my mother or something like that. Anyway I tied the hood on and showed y/b/f/n she smirked and said "you ready yet" I nodded and claimed out the same window I let her in with.
----------------------------------------------------------------time skip--------------

"Ugh we've been walking of half an hour" I groaned as I stumbled over a tree stump. I knocked in to /y/b/g/f/n he lathed at me pushing me back to my feet. "So where are we" I asked /y/d/g/f/n he looked confused and stopped
"Well" y/b/f/n asked. There was a shot silence "um...." /y/b/g/f/n muttered suddenly y/b/f/n snatch the map out of his hands and shouted "are you serious you've been reading this upside down the hole way....." She calmed down a little "ok just give me the campus and we can find where we are" y/b/g/f/n opened his mouth and shut it quickly again "I /I don't have it" he stuttered "so let me get this straight you got us lost in the woods with nothing but a map that you have been reading upside down and you couldn't even remember the campus "
"No I just lost it ok!!" He defended him self. "Anyway if y/n remember the part we could have been there on time"
"Hay don't blame this on me your that one with the map" I shouted. Then I suddenly felt uneasy as if someone was watching us. I pulled my hood off  and  looked around the space we where in. I thought I was going crazy when /y/b/f/n tenets and asked "did you hear that" everyone was quite. I heard it - it sounded like Rustling then it was gone we all stood still as if we where froze on the spot. The tension was rising I could feel it in the air. Suddenly someone cleared  their throat. I screamed swinging my arms knocking the person to the ground. Then they grabbed my leg pulling me down to his level. I was about to sucker punch them in the jaw when
y/b/f/n busted out laughing "believe me y/n you don't want to do that" she gasped. My eyes where glowed to her " and whys that" I said bitterly. " you might want to look at the person your next to" y/b/g/f/n sniggered. I look to the person on the floor next to me and gasped it was the one and only Robbie Kay. I got up and held my hand out for him. He smirked and took it. Once he was up you took your head back and pinched the beige of my nose between me thumb and thread finger and sighed "look I'm sorry if I hart you but come on it dark and not to mention it's Halloween so sorry" I was so embarrassing I mean I spent three years of my life being obsessed with him and when I meet him I knock him on the floor in the woods. Right now I am mentally screaming at myself.
" it's okay I shouldn't have snuck up on you" Robbie said pulling you out of your toughest.
"Not to be rude but what are you doing in the woods anyway"
" me and some friends where going to this party in the woods and they ditched me cose I and I quote was *being a nervous nelly* and being clumsy" I smiled and said "oh well your no worse then me as I totally forgot about the party" y/b/f/n spoke up with a smirk playing on her lips" you'd forget your name if you weren't always talking about your self" I gasped putting a hand over her face then pulling my hood back over my head and huffed walking up to /y/b/g/f /n. He pulled me in to a big hug "the reason why you would never forget your name is because your unforgettable" he said loud enough for y/b/f/n to hear. She changed the subject and said "have you work out where we are yet...or do you want me to help" I rolled up my eyes and shook my head " you mean take over" she stuck her tongue out and lathed. I walk over to Robbie and walked at his pace "are you ok " I asked
"Yep I'm fine do you think we're get out of here"
"I don't know we where walking in the wrong direction for half an hour " I explained
"It's creepy, look at the trees "
"I know, I am really sorry about knocking you on the floor." He lathed
"It's ok don't worry about it and I like your hood by the way "
"Thanks it's the only thing I had that could pass as fancy dress"
Robbie ~
"Well I guess I'm the wolf then"
"What's that supposed to mean"
"Well the wolf sneaks up on little red riding hood and then scared the life out of her"
I laugh.
"Ok Robbie your the wolf "
Y/b/f/n ~
"Hay you guys we going to need to set up camp" my jaw dropped
"You mean we have to camp out!"
Y/g/b/f/n ~
"Hay come on we were going to be camping out anyway"
"But where are we going to sleep because I'm not sleeping on logs and moss"
"No your not going sleep on the floor thats why I bought these"
He pulled his back pack off and open it to reveal to air machetes (it's a really big bag) .
I looked over to y/f/n then to       y/b/g/f  and then to Robbie.
"But there's only two beds and four of us"
"What why don't you say it slower"
"Ugh me and him" she pointed at y/b/g/f/n "where going to share a bed and sleep together"
My jaw dropped I slowly turned to Robbie.
"Ok then"
I turned to Robbie and he smirked quirking an eyebrow.
"Well I'm not protesting ".

Robbie Kay imagines fairytale style Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora