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Y/N/N = nickname

You and your boyfriend where engaged, you had been together for 2 years. He was your everything the only thing that matters, but your perfect little world was shattered as you walked in to your shared house you heard a lot of loud bangs. As you walked up the stairs the bangs got louder and louder. You pushed open your bedroom door and see Robbie pushing another girl with light blonde hair against the wall. Tears where forming fast. You stood there watching the love of your life kissing someone else. You lost it when Robbie started to push his hands under her shirt. You throw the closest thing near you which happened to be a hairdryer, it missed Robbie by and inch but as the plug came into contact with his arm leaving a small but painful cut. He Yelped at the feeling. As he looked to the direction it came from he saw you. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. You could see he was drunk, but you couldn't stop the feeling of betrayal. You where shocked, angry and disappointed
"Y/n I- I can explain"
"No,you can't have any reason to do this"
"Y/N/N I'm-" you cut him off
"Don't you dare Y/N/N me"
"Wait is this your girlfriend" the girl spoke.
You turned to her and say "I was his fiancé we where ment to get married in 6 months but he obviously doesn't want me anymore so enjoy him.... He Was everything to me"
As you walked out Robbie ran after you, trying to grab you. But you pushed him away. "Y/N! Please! I didn't mean it I promise I love you!" He sobbed after you . But you ignored him " Y/N please...please don't leave me I'll do anything " you walked to the front door just as you where about to open it Robbie jumped in front of it. "Y/N please I love you not her" you looked at him with no emotions left on your face .
"Suer you do" You said sarcastically
"But I do"
"Uhm you love me so much that you get drunk and start making out with another girl in our house in our room.Uumm now let's see that is a great way to show you love me right?"
"Y/n/n don't go I'm so so sorry"
"Well so am I"
You pushed him out of the way and left. You could hear his cries from the top of the road. It hurt you so much to know that you where the one he was crying for, but what he did was uncalled for.
You found yourself at the old park where you had first met him.This park was abandoned but it was still beautiful. You sat in the swing and thought about how much easier your life would of been if you'd of never said yes to him. You sat there until everything went black.
You woke up still on the swings the morning sun warmed your skin. After about 5 minutes your phone buzzed. Robbie was calling you. You Had 11 missed calls from him and 20 text messages as well.
(Text messages)
Y/N: WHAT !!!
Robbie: where are you
Can you please come home I need to sort this out please let me make it up to you.😥
Y/N: y
Robbie: I need you just please I'm worried about you.
Y/N: k
Robbie: xx x
(End of text messages)
As you walked home your inside where knotting up. You hated what he did but deep down you still loved him and that what hurt you the most. One part of you told you to hate him and never forgive him, but the other told you that you needed him the same way he needs you, you could still here his voice echoing in your mind the way he begged you to stay but what did he expect when you walked in on his dirty little secret who knows how many times he did that when you where at work. The little world you loved was becoming a nightmare no scratch that it was your own hell. You soon found yourself at the house, the door was still open from when you left last night. You slowly walked in.
You walked in to the living room and find Robbie curled up in a ball in the corner of the sofa. You slowly sat next to him carful not to wake him if he was asleep."Y/N" he murmured. "Robbie" you said with no emotion in your voice. He sat up and pulled you in to a tight hug. "I'm so sorry Y/N you have to believe me i was mad the director kept me behind so he could yell at me about doing everything wrong, I I was so mad I got a drink but then it turned into three and the next thing I knew I was kissing a girl at home. Then I was hit with something and there you where" he cried taking a breath "I was out all night looking for you, I've never been so scared of losing you" there was a short silence. As he waited for a reply from you.
"Robbie your not going to lose me. As long as you can keep this one promise..."
"And that is" he said desperately
"You never go behind my back again. If your mad call me because the only way your going to lose me is by doing what you did last night"
"I won't ever do it again I promise you
I love you so much"
"I love you too"

Robbie did keep his word he never did that again and he always calls when he's angry sad or anything he feels. He loves you and you love him .

Robbie Kay imagines fairytale style Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum