Chapter V

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It has been a very long time now and the holidays were coming to an end. I had college to attend but not even a part of me wanted to come back. My aunt helped me find a paying guest(p.g) but i had hardly stayed there and that very night shifted to my mother's cousin's home. I felt better there and was excited for college now. Things seem to be falling in place. After a very long time, I saw my brother-like friend. He walks as if he is a free bird. The tall and thin boy brings a home feeling to me. He is ever smiling but in deep thoughts most of the times. He is a boy lost in games, and whenever you call him, he will be like -huh? Are you talking to me? What happened? I saw him in college that day and I had a broad smile and called him "Ashish". Both Raghav and Ashish were a crucial part of me after my parents and my little sister. These 5 are the people who complete my life. Actually they are 7 including my maternal aunt and uncle. If any of them go away from me, its like breaking a part of me. Ashish said,"oh himani, how are you and how is everything?" I said I was fine and then we went out to have frankie near Ashish's college. We ordered two. Raghav had the capacity to eat full frankie where as Ashish and I shared. I was slow at eating. I remember well that I was sitting behind Raghav and bits of my frankie fell on the activa seat and Raghav happened to sit on it. His shorts got dirty. Ashish really teased him that day. We were on our way to river front. We clicked lots of pictures and then they drove me home. Life was going on well now but then comes a day when Raghav decides to shift to some other college. I wanted to stop him badly but I couldnot as it concerns his career. I helped him write application letter and then he left. I knew I was now alone but only at college. I made new friends and life was just going on.

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