Chapter II

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Dark heavy clouds surrounded me. It was like heaven doesnot exist and what exists is a mere lie. I sat back on my bed,shut my eyes and slowly lay on my bed thinking of college and of whatever had happened to me ever since I got here. My body got covered in sweat and my head pained badly. I isolated myself from all as I had no courage to face people.
The sweet memories that I had carried with me about my college was just the best. No words could explain the feeling of being in my class. Even if I sat quietly, I observed all and saw that my class was beyond perfect. But then, I knew am not the lucky member of that class and everything shattered. I stopped college and couldnot muster the courage to even collect my documents from there. I had full sleep everyday. Only woke up to eat and refresh then back to bed. I stopped texting and my life became blank for almost a week. Anyone who tried talking to me would see the rude me but only my hostel room mates knew how broken I was. The other person who knew was Raghav but the moment he tried contacting me, I just shouted on him and blocked him from all social websites and even added his number to reject list. Days passed by as if a continuous dark storm is haunting me. Words are not enough to describe my situation. I thought of all my classmates. The funny and mischieveous ones- Vasisth, Bhavik, Harshit and their group. The studious one- Sagar and how I always used to think of getting help from him so that I could perform better. The crazy four group of us girls; Birva,Krishna,Sakshi and me. I never associated with many because I always had had the fear of facing the crowd though I did have good terms with all, I guess. The faculty was one of the best I had ever came across. The bunking of lectures was not a good thing to do but I had fun anyways with my squad- Dishant, Shrey, Amit, Poojan, Birva. We went to watch M.S Dhoni. My other squad members were Dharmin, Sakshi, Krishna. Those were the moments that brought a smile on my face but then there were the other sad and hard ones that brought tears, sweat and depression on my face and they froze me...

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