Chapter I

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    Is it morning already? My eyes can't open properly. The everyday routine is repeated in the hostel I live now. 6 a.m and you got to wake up for prayers COMPULSARILY or else; you are punished.
  However, it has become a routine now. One more day to live like every other day in India. I can't express how much I miss my family, my home.
  It has been 6 months now that I had stayed away from where I grew up from- East Africa. My every body part craved to get back there. Though it was my wish to come over here for further studies, for my "good future"(I thought) and for my love. So the prayers in the hostel were done and by 7:30 a.m am out of the hostel and in college by 8 a.m. I was persuing IT and it was my first year. Our breaktime was usually at 10:00 a.m and I got to the canteen by 10:00 a.m with my classmates. We all were talking that suddenly a voice yelled my name from behind. "Himani!" I turned around and it was him- Raghav. He was a bit fair complexed average heighted boy who was apparently my classmate in grade 10. He was giving me a little smile and I replied back "Hi, come over." And then he began narrating me about whatever had happened in his class today. He was student. Everyday by 10:30 a.m, he leaves for home and I went back to class as my lectures usually ended by 1:30 pm.
Days kept on going well but then there was bad news. I was an international student and hence I had
   to get a letter from Delhi allowing me to study from here which was rejected as my documents did not meet the requirements of the letter...

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