Chats and chocolate

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Song: ballroom of mars t. Rex but idk why i just love it

warnings: discussions of anxiety and depression, having it myself i thought it was a good subject to touch on

You have been feeling anxious all day not sure why, Jared has been doing his best to make sure you're okay while working on the new album which you really appreciated but you were fine.. well you had been worse you decided to take a quick shower to wash all that negativity out of your hair which some what helped before getting into some comfortable clothes and laying on the bed upside down with your feet on the headboard. You pop in your earphones letting the music take you to a different world, about 20 minuets pass when you hear the bedroom door creak open and you turn your attention to the door.. there stood Jared with a small grin on his face and you flash one back; "the guys have gone" he says a little loud due to your earphones being in and you nod in response "and i brought these" he grins holding up a box of chocolates and you smile pulling out your earphones as he makes his way over to the bed sitting down resting against the headboard near your feet. He sets the chocolates down between you both and you take one not hesitating to shove it in your gob... "so how you feeling baby?" Jared asks softly rubbing your leg and you take a gulp swallowing the chocolate you just had, "i'm okay"you say with a little nod "are you sure? it's only me you can be honest" he reassures you. "i'm sure iv'e been much worse it's just i woke up a little anxious this morning" you shrug taking another chocolate... "does that happen a lot?" Jared asks worryingly "more often than not" you say honestly "why don't you ever say anything" Jared says reaching for your hand. "it's hard to explain or sometimes it's just better to say nothing, you never know how people are going to react through out my life iv'e had many different responses more often than not it's a 'why don't you just stop worrying' or 'just cheer up you have no reason to be sad'" you ramble on leaving Jared a bit lost for words. "it's not as bad as it used to be" you continue causing him to look up "what's it like?" he asks now laying down next to you facing you "hell" you let out a chuckle "it's like your lost... or drowning in your own thoughts panic and doom.. it can be set off by everything and nothing, the anxiety means you care too much and the depression is like you don't care at all and both of them together is agony" you shrug before looking over to him to find tears running down his cheeks. "hey hey what's that for?" you ask shocked while wiping his cheek.. "i'm so sorry Y/N" he sniffs "what for you goof" you chuckle "i'm sorry that you have to go through it and i didn't know how bad it was" he says wiping his face and you cup his cheeks "listen i'm going to be okay.. i am okay... okay?" and he let's out a little laugh "okay"..."is that word starting to sound weird to you" you ask with a grin and he laughs a little harder this time before wrapping his arms around you "i love you Y/N" he says muffled in the hug and you pull away "i love you too and that's why i'm going to be okay" you say batting your eyelids. "will you stop saying okay" he smiles "okay" you say folding your arms and he hits you with a pillow, "hey!!" you shout pouting slightly and he hits you with it again... "oh you wanna go?" you say grabbing a pillow yourself and hitting him with it before he tackles you onto the bed holding your hands above your head and tickling you with his other hand. You fall into a fit of laughter "truce truce i surrender" you scream between laughs and he leans down placing a soft kiss on your forehead.

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