Long night

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Song: hole in the earth- deftones

Jared has been working extra hard lately so he was taking a nap but it was Shannon's birthday and he was having a little party you managed to get yourself showered and half dressed while Jared was having a power nap you didn't wanna wake him but he had to get ready too. You make your way over to Jared and give him a little nudge "baby come on it's time to get up" you say softly to him he groans and pulls you down on him wrapping his arms around you "come on chop chop" you say rubbing his arm "mhmm" he replies sleepily and you get off the bed and begin laying out his outfit for him. He manages to drag himself out of bed and pads towards the bathroom "how long until we have to go to shannon's party?" he asks rubbing his eye with his fist "half an hour" you smile and he nods and proceeds to jump in the shower so you get your dress on and do your make up, you finish up your make up by adding some lipstick you were wearing a black skater dress and black flats. Jared gets out of the shower and enters the bedroom wrapped in a towel "wow Y/N you look beautiful" you blush and wrap your arms around him "now get your clothes on we have to go soon" He jokingly mimics your voice before laughing and getting dressed and you just smile at him once you're both ready you make your way to the car and head to Shannon's.

-Time skip-

You get to Shannon's and everyone was already there he runs up to you both giving you both a hug, you have been with Jared for 3 years and the face he makes when Shannon hugs him still amused you and made you laugh "drink?" Shannon asks you "none for me thank you i don't drink alcohol remember" you say giggling "of course silly me well we have sodas too" he says placing a hand on your shoulder, "bro?" he asks Jared "soda is fine for me too" "if you want a drink Jared go ahead we can always call a taxi" You say looking at him "no no if my lady isn't drinking i wont" he says smiling at you "you're such a dork" you say shoving him. The party was in full swing and everyone was having a good time dancing singing and chatting you loved having a good chat with Constance you and her always tried to put the world to right when you got together, It began getting late and everyone started to leave there was just you Tomo Jared Shannon and Constance left the five of you had a good talk for about an hour Tomo had to leave so Jared suggested you go too so you hugged everyone goodbye and took Jared's hand and made your way to the car. Jared drove and you were both quiet for a minuet or so before you spoke up "tonight was fun" Jared nods concentrating on the road "i don't wanna go home yet" you say looking at Jared "well where do you wanna go babe?" he asks not taking his eyes off the road "i don't know anywhere" you say looking out the window, "We can go get coffee?" Jared asks looking at you for a split second "mmkay sounds good" you say still looking out the window.

-Time Skip-

With your coffees you find a place to park up somewhere, somewhere quiet and you both sit on the hood of the car and you watch the stars "Jared look how pretty the stars look" you say not taking your eyes off them but Jared is looking at you "i have the brightest star right here" he says still looking at you and you glance at him "ew cheese fest" you laugh and lean against him and he puts his arm around you. "Do you ever wonder why all this is here" you say looking back up to the sky "all of what?" Jared asks taking a sip of his coffee "this, us the universe the stars all the planets.. the earth" "i can't stay i have ever thought about it" Jared says softly "i do, i think about it a lot", "why?" Jared asks looking at you "i just think it's pointless" you say looking down at your coffee" "pointless?" Jared asks confused, "yeah like we're put on this planet to live life and then we're just gone you know?" "i don't follow?" Jared is even more confused "well we do all the stuff we do just to die in the end" you say looking back up at the stars Jared stays silent. "life's what you make it" Jared speaks up "we are all here for a reason, to make a difference some how weather that be a big difference or a small difference, it's still a difference.. the universe has a plan for us all" he says pulling you tighter into him "i guess, iv'e never thought about it like that" you say leaning into his chest. "who knew you had deep thoughts in that head of yours" Jared says giggling "what is that supposed to mean?" you say smiling him and hitting his shoulder "i mean it's nice that you shared that with me i never knew you thought about things like that" he says stroking your cheek and you shrug, "wanna know something?" Jared asks tucking hair behind your ear "what?" "you make a difference in my life" he smiles at you and you softly kiss his lips "let's head home" he says sliding off the car and holding out his hand.

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