The Secret in Our Hearts [Part 1]

Start from the beginning

"P' are you okay?"

"Yes, don't mind me. Its just cough"

I don't bother to ask more questions. We both stop talking and I could feel my ears starts to break because of silence.

Until he requested me something.


"Yes P'?"

"Can you sing it again?"


This guy beside me is now requesting me to sing what I have sang earlier but I don't feel to sing it again because I don't have the courage anymore. Until I feel someone in my back starts to wrapped his arms around my body. He placed his head against my shoulders and start whispering.

"Please.. I want to hear it"

The coldness I feel suddenly replaced with a warm feeling because of the body wrapped around me. But I could feel that he is too warm from a normal temperature.

"P' are you sick!?"

"Uhm.. yes a little"

"But you are too warm!"

"I'm okay, just sing for me, maybe in that way I'll get better"

He is really pushing me to sing for him so I give him a chance. I start singing while he is hugging me from my back.

The frustration I have earlier replaced with a very romantic scenery.

Even though we can't say that we both love each other

Because we know well that it will disappoint someone

If they knew, no matter how many feelings we have for each other they can't still accept us

The only thing we know is to keep it secret and not to tell anyone

Because everything is good already
I only want us to understand

Just making eye contact communicates our hearts

Just listening to the same love song warms my heart

What is more need?

Just us knowing each other in our hearts, just the two of us, is just enough

It's more than love, it's beyond words

There's no need to walk around holding hands, just being near each other is good enough

It's a love that doesn't need any words to define it

The silence covered us again after I sing. He left speechless. After a few minutes he whisper in my ears.



"I don't want our relationship to be secret anymore"

"What do you mean?"

"I want you to be mine officially"

I'm surprised to what he said. And made me ask myself, what comes into his mind to say those words?


"Yes P'?"

"Can you be my boyfriend?"

After a couple of years we have been together and after all the things we have been through he is now asking me to be his boyfriend.

There is no reason to reject his offer because I really love him, and I know for myself that I know him very well. So..

"Yes P', I can"


He let go his arms around me and starts to shout at the top of his lungs.

"We are now official!!! Woooohh!!"

"P'! Don't shout out loud! its embarrassing!"

He suddenly pulled my head against his lips. I can feel his lips touching my forehead which made me smile.

"Can you stay in our house for tonight?"

"Why P'?"

"Nothing, I just want to be with you tonight"

"But I don't have extra clothes"

"Don't worry I have spare clothes which I can lend for you"

We grab a taxi to P' Prem's house. He sleeping in my shoulders while we are inside the taxi. I can feel his body temperature getting normal now maybe he just feel cold earlier while we are in the bridge.

In the middle of his sleeping he suddenly whispered something.

"I love you, Wad"

This words of him made my heart beats faster and I think this smile I have now is the widest smile I have in my entire life.

{to be continued}

SOTUS: The New Head Hazer and The Pink Milk MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now