
"Of that, I am not sure."

Nico shrugged, "Alright. I'll go get Will." He took a step forward but Reyna put a hand on his shoulder, "She made it quite clear that Will couldn't join you."


The predator straightened her cloak, "Hazel wants a word with the son of Apollo, I can take him to her."

"Alright, what about me?"

"Wait at the entrance to New Rome, she'll be there soon."

Will came over and put an arm around Nico, "What's up?"

Reyna studied him, as if trying to decide if he was worthy, "You will come with me, Solace." She said harshly.

Will glanced at Nico, who nodded, "She probably won't kill you."

"Probaby?!?" Will hissed, "That's reassuring."

Nico rolled his eyes and kissed Will on the cheek, "Be good sun kid. I'll see you at dinner."

* * *

He stood awkwardly at the statue of the god of boundaries. Terminus's bust made him uncomfortable. But he stayed. She walked over to him and smiled.

She seemed like the kind of girl who would slap him without hesitation. The kind of  half blood who let nothing get in their way. She had hair so dark it looked navy blue, her eyes were a dark stormy gray. Her skin was pale, but not in an unhealthy way. And she looked very familiar, but he didn't know where he could have met her before, because he knew he would remember those eyes.

She faced him, "Alya." She said extending her hand.

He shook it.

* * *

He followed Alya through the streets of New Rome, until they came to a bench and she sat down. Without hesitating she turned to him, "I'm not roman."

"Then why are you here? You should be at Camp Half Blood."

"I left that place for a reason."

"You.... left?"



"But what I'm saying is that I don't belong here, or there."

Nico thought he understood, "I used to think like that."

"It's not my thoughts, I know that this is my home, that isn't the problem."

"Then what is."

"I'm not roman or greek."

"Then who are you?"

Alya took a deep breath and held out her arm, exposing her forearm, "The daughter of darkness."

Nico stared in disbelief. Then a sudden rush of memories came back to him. He remembered a dark face. A pit. A mantion. He shuddered and looked at the girl before him. "That's not your fault. You aren't your mother."

She seemed to relax, "I thought you would understand. But I have more to say." She leaned forward, "When I was at the other camp I knew Will, and if there is one thing about him that I know, it's that he finds it hard to let go, just like his father. He looks for the best in everything and everyone, he believes that everyone has some good in them, not matter how terrible, he knows that there is some way to help. But one thing he isn't good at is talking about himself, sometimes he'll act happy when he isn't."

"Why are you telling me this."

"I can tell he's hurting right now. When Harper died he faked a smile for months."

"Who's Harper?"

Alya blinked, "You mean he didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?" Nico demanded.

"Harper was his favorite sister, she was everyone's favorite actually... but she loved him so much... And when she died...."

Nico snapped his fingers, "That's her grave."

The daughter of darkness nodded, "Yes. She died years ago, that's why I left. It wasn't the same without her. It never will be."

"But how does Shelby Lancaster come into this?"

Alya looked like she'd just been slapped in the face, "I haven't heard that name in so long." She muttered.

Nico wanted to comfort her but didn't know how, so he sat awkwardly. When she looked up she looked determined, "Will you do me a favor?"


"I need you to promise me that you will always be there for William. I don't want you to lose him like I lost Harper and Shelby."

"I swear to the gods."

"Good, now come, we have a lot to talk about."

heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. sorry for the long update :( my exams are this upcoming week so i probably wont update until the 29th.... but i hope you liked this '-'
this weeks goal is 10 votes and 13 comments!!!!

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