CH15: Boxers & Fireworks

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"Bye," he replies driving off.

I lock the door behind me, and watch tv for a while.

Later, I lay on my bed, still in Mitch's boxers, and scroll on my computer.


-time passes to 6:00pm-

My phone beeps and I look away from my computer, a text from Max.

Max: be there in 30

Me: wait, why?

Max: fireworks by the pier and I want to watch them

Me: and I have to come bc?

Max: I want you to?

Me: no but rlly?

Max: no one else wanted to come

That's the max I know. Why would he, out of all people, ask me to go watch the fireworks with him.

Me: alright

Max: so I'll be there in 30

Me: ok but only if we can catch dinner on the way

Max: we can get pizza

Me: great ok bye

Max: bye

I jump out of bed, knowing I only had 30 minutes to get ready. I pick out a faux leather circle skirt and a cropped lace top. Then, I leave my hair down, grab brown combat boots, and do my makeup lightly.

Before long, Max knocks on my door and we head out.

"We are getting pizza right? I'm really hungry," I say.

"Yes, calm down, you're such a fatass."

I laugh, "so that means you're not getting pizza?"

"I never said that!"

"Yeah but you implied it," I reply still walking beside him on the sidewalk.

"Nah, I just said you were fat, I didn't say I wasn't gonna eat pizza."

I lightly punch his shoulder, "you're a meanie."

"I know right," he replies smiling.

"No Max, let me finish this argument! You always get the last word," I say with puppy dog eyes.

"That doesn't work on me."

"You sure?" I say begging him.

"Yeah I'm sure," he teases as we finally arrive to the restaurant.

We walk into the pizza place and order 2 slices of cheese, then take a seat at a booth.

"What time do the fireworks start?" I ask, biting into the pizza.


"What time is it now?"

"It's almost 9," Max replies, looking down at his phone.

We keep munching on the slices, and finally I break the question I've been dying to ask.

"Alright, so what's the real reason you invited me?"

"What do you mean?" He asks confused.

"Why'd you want to come with me and not like Jordan?" I insist.

"I don't know, I'm always with them, sometimes it's nice to take a break."

I nod, still not knowing the answer. But truthfully, I didn't want to know the real reason why he invited me. I didn't want to overthink everything.

All My Doubts; Minecraftfinest (MCfinest) FanFictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora