Deadly Innocence: In a Lost Shades Eyes (Chapter 1 A)

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Fallen Innocence/Deadly Innocence: In a Lost Shades Eyes 

Novella 2  

By I.H. Reiss

Copyright 2010

Author's Note: This story can either be a stand alone novella or part of the group of stories titled Fallen Innocence. It was designed to be read either way.  I beg your indulgence in advance for the errors you may find as I am dyslexic,I myself cant see them.

Thank you again for reading/voting and or commenting. 

Please note below is only part one.


I have been a member of the Secret Society of the Helping Hand for about three months now; you would think, that by the success with the previous novellas, that by now more shades, and even the higher up shadows would trust me enough with their stories to send me a new one to write up, but things have been quieter, then a graveyard at three am. In a way I am glad for the respite, its allowed me to concentrate on finishing the final chapters of the series of what the publishers call my Virgin Spy Series.

My character is finding being drawn into the world of being an agent horrifying, as it is exciting. In her latest assignment, they wanted her to do something she was not willing to do; be the mistress (wife and or sexual plaything) of an arms dealer who is practically brothers with a terrorist her boss is after.

The line that her boss uses is,

"We use whatever means is available, sometimes thats got to be an agents body..."

I have her cut him off with,

"You can get someone else. Try a whore, I'm not one. Before you say what ever else you think, might work or try to use to motivate me to do your bidding, bare in mind that unlike certain people, and you know whom I mean, I am not willing to be a pawn... that you can use like some child's doll, and then toss away when your finished; shall I tell you why you wont get some prostitute to do the job, even if you could find one of the right age, for this job, because you can't be sure that they will not turn on you. That's probably why I had to rescue my friends who are foolishly addicted to your game... That wasn't the first time I'll remind you, that a mole nearly caused my friends, and I trouble. Treating people the way you do, makes them way too susceptible to being turned; that's what the Russians found out the hard way, in their Afghanistan war, and it's one I got an A in my independent studies(at the"School") I showed that history gets repeated every time fools sir, like you, do it your way. So tell me now will you let me do it my way or do I walk away. This is my last favor and it's not for you..."

She let the sentence hang for a moment, knowing that what she left unsaid would almost certainly be used against her, as she said,

"It's for him, and it's last time; you had better take him out of the field, don't you think he's been put in a position were its only a matter of time before he either ends up turned, or dead. Don't you owe his parents something... If you think its just a series of small unfortunate errors, think again; once may be a mole, twice possibly a snafu in communications, but after four times its burnout, and you know it. Find a gentle way to move him out of the field, to college or something, because if you burn him or kill him..."

(She left this sentence hang too, deliberately, along side its brother, the previous one. Just as she was not the kind to use euphemist words like eliminate or erase, she always called things as they were.) then she changed subject by saying,

"I'll keep the status, and the code name as Virgo, thank you."

She was about to be out the door when her temporary boss (some part of her mind didn't want to say boss) said,

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