Deal With the Devil (Part 1?)

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All your senses will be elevated to superhuman levels, except your sight, which you will lose.

You quickly walk into the library that was the earlier appointed rendezvous looking around nervously. Your hands were clammy with the nervous perspiration and your lip had a cut on in from biting it too hard earlier.

You get a few strange looks from the other people in the library as you made your way to the back, but you were too busy working up your courage for what you were about to do.

When I was a little girl, I made a deal with the devil.

I used to have this nasty habit of getting extremely violent at certain times.

One day I took it too far. I killed my best friend.

Then the devil showed up. He looked exactly like I always pictured him, but he wore black green instead of black and red.

Anyway, he told me that him and I would be good friends in the future. And to a violent, rather evil young girl who had just killed her previous best friend, that sounded wonderful.

But he told me that for him and I to become friends, I would have to hide away and control my vicious side. At least for a time.

I saw nothing wrong with that, but my other side seemed to be more careful about it.

Continue... or no?

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