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"Plant your hope with good seeds... Don't cover yourself with thistle and weeds..."

"What're you singing?"

"Huh?" She looked up from the path and stopped her quiet singing.

"What were you singing?" The boy repeated.

"A song," she replied with a teasing smile. He smiled softly back.

"You know what I meant," he told her, looking back at the path and adjusting his grip on his gun.

"Thistle and Weeds. By a group that I liked," she told him with a thoughtful expression.

"What group?"

"Mumford and something," she shrugged.

"You remember three of their songs but you don't remember the name of the group?"

"How do you know I know three of their songs?" She asked, looking over at him again and tilting her head to the side some.

"You always sing three songs. They all sound relatively the same so I figured they were by the same group," he explained, holding a branch that stretched into their path out of the way for her. She nodded a thanks then continued on.

"You hear me singing?" She asked a bit self-consciously.

"You're good, don't worry," he assured her, smiling softly again. She smiled a bit too.


"Sure. My favorite is the one you sing the most," he continued, scratching the back of his head.

"The Cave?" She questioned, happy to be talking to him for once instead of the awkward silence that usually ensued.

"If it's the one that goes, 'so come out of your cave walking on your hands, and see the world hanging upside down' then yes," he answered, smiling more now.

"Yeah, that's The Cave," she chuckled. "You listen when I sing enough to know the words?"

"That line is a bit hard to get out of your head," he nodded.

"True. It's hard to figure out, too. I don't know what it means still." She laughed to herself a bit.

"I think it means to come out of your depression and see the world in a new perspective, and it will help you stay out of your depression," he said casually. She looked over at him with raised eyebrows.

"That's what I think too. Heh. I didn't expect us to think in the same ways," she said with a small smile. In her mind she had something small in common with the boy.

"Me either," he said in an amused tone. He looked around and saw a little disguised watchtower with practiced eyes. "We're back," he told her, looking back at the ground. She frowned again and looked up at the tower.

"Alright. I'll see you later," she sighed, branching off from his side and going towards the tower as someone else came to take her place on the rounds with the boy.

"See you..." He replied quietly, raising his hand in a bit of a wave as she ran off but it was too quiet for her to hear. He scowled as the other man came up to him and began walking with large strides. The boy had to nearly jog to keep up, but he didn't complain. Just scowled at his feet as they began.


She ran to the little hatch and jumped down inside the bunker, skipping out on the short ladder just to bug her friend with it. He didn't like it when she did that. Unfortunately he wasn't in the room when she did. No one was in fact. She smiled to herself and began singing The Cave just for fun and since she was still thinking about her conversation with the boy.  

Before she even reached the second verse, her brother came in.

"Ugh. Singing again?" the brother scoffed.

"No. Mind your own business," she retorted, not wanting to deal with her -in her eyes- bratty little brother.


Just writing... trying to get into a groove. Ignore me.

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