Doctor Who Book Idea

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On the table in the otherwise empty room sat two letters, a name on each.

The Doctor had flung open the door to the room that contained the table and the letters thinking it would be the bedroom he was providing for his new companion in the TARDIS but no. No, that most definitely was not it.

He walked into the room curiously as his companion, or me I suppose, stood at the doorway watching him carefully. I was quite new and was still getting used to the TARDIS and the Doctors strange mannerisms, so I lingered behind a bit.

"It's just a room, Alex," he said, sounding a bit amused and looking back at me with a goofy smile. I chuckled a little and went in. As soon as I did this strange feeling came over me. It felt like a nagging sensation in the back if my head that something was standing behind me and reaching out to touch me. Every time I turned around though, nothing was there. The Dictir didn't seem to have this problem, though he was keeping a close eye in me for some reason... Closer than usual.

He was very protective.

I wondered if he was having some other sort of sensation.

He went over to the table and bent down to look at the letters closely. He had obviously read them but he didn't seem to care about our names written on them as much as the actual envelopes.

"They're our names, aren't they?" I asked, standing with my back to the wall and facing him.

"Yes," he answered, still just looking at them.

"How will examining the envelopes help exactly?" I asked, getting a little freaked out and looking around me. He doesn't answer and picked up the letters, one in each hand. He held one out to me, still staring at the other closely.

(Idea? I don't know. Don't steal it please.)

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