Vallock- Vacation

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Vallock Vacation

Sherlock squirmed on the couch, trying to get comfortable. It was feeling strange since he wasn't lying on Val's lap or she wasn't lying with him. He wasn't used to it anymore.

He huffed and turned on his side, facing the back of the couch.

"What's wrong with you?" John asked from his chair where he had Mary on his lap, and Mary on Pinterest on his laptop.

"Vaaaal..." he said, making a noise that sounded very much like a whine.

John chuckled and Mary scoffed.

"Don't mock me! Imagine yourself in the same situation," he snapped, sitting up quickly and ruffling his own hair.

"We're not mocking," Mary said innocently, in a tone that sounded like she was about to burst out laughing. John scratched his nose to hide a smile.

Sherlock glared and stood, going over to the window and staring out like an expectant child.

John whispered something to Mary and she giggled. Sherlock scowled out the window and watched the street, praying one would stop and his Val would come out.

"Sherlock, she's gone. She's on holiday with her friend and she'll be back in a couple days. You'll just have to wait," John said sensibly, his laughing urge gone now.

"That's like telling a drug addict that they have to wait a couple days till their next dose," Sherlock snapped, turning around and sending him a glare. "Wait, no no no. That implies she is my drug," he sighed, shaking his head.

"That's sweet," Mary interrupted, glancing up at Sherlock then back to her pinboards.

"What?" Sherlock asked, tilting his head in the slightest.

"That she's your drug. It's sweet. Affectionate. Like you can't live without her. Comparing her to a drug isn't bad," Mary explained, not once looking up from Johns laptop.

Sherlock blinked. He wasn't sure if he believed that. But if a sensible woman said it, he figured she would know better than him, though he would never admit it.

John nodded at him.

"Alright, but that doesn't mean that I don't need her. Now," he grumbled, stomping to the couch again and plopping down on it face-first.

"Why don't you try and FaceTime with her? Or Skype? Text, even," John listed, looking at Sherlock and getting tired of his needy grumbling.

"It's not the same. I want to hold her..." Sherlock mumbled into the couch cushion.

John sighed and gave Mary an exasperated look.

"Why don't you do something to distract yourself?" Mary offered, shutting off the laptop.

"Like what? No cases, my violin doesn't help, John won't give me my patches or cigarettes, and nothing else is interesting!" Sherlock rolled over onto his side, but in doing so fell off the couch unceremoniously.

As soon as he did, the door opened and Val came in, two days early, and with Aim at her side.

Johns laughing covered up the sounds of them coming in.

Sherlock was scowling as he pushed himself up and he was about to give John the finger when Val tapped his back with her toe.

He swung around and his eyes widened when he saw her.

"How long have you been here?" He asked, standing up in a dignified manner as if nothing happened.

"Long enough," Aim snickered. Val elbowed her side lightly and went up to Sherlock, smiling.

Before anyone could say anything else, he pulled her close to him and kissed her softly.

John chuckled and Mary smiled in relief.

"You missed me I take it," Val chuckled when the kiss broke.

"You've got no idea," Sherlock beamed and kissed her again, and he had no intention of stopping.

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