"Okay, there are about 100 girls out there. So we get in the van and get to the venue to practice." Ronnie said and I nodded as he grabbed Mariam's hand.

"Here it goes." Luke said and I chuckled as we walked outside being met by screams of the girls.

"LUKE! LUKE! JAI! JAI! JAMES! JAMES! DANIEL! DANIEL! BEAU! BEAU!" Girls screamed as the boys just walked quickly to the car.

Why are they up so early just to see the boys?

I got into the van quickly going to the back as Luke sat next to me. Jai dove into the back sitting next to Luke as he panted slightly.

"Is somebody tired?" I cooed to Jai as he turned to glare at me.

"Hey, I'm not your parent so I can do what I want to you." Jai said with a smirk.

"Puh-lease." I said rolling my eyes as Jai smirked and I smiled.

"You'll see tonight." he smirked winking.

"Try anything, Jai, I dare you." Beau said turning to look at Jai.

"EVE IS MINE!" James yelled making me jump at his loud voice.

"Whatever you say, James, but I think I called dibs." Daniel said and winked in my direction. I laughed and turned to Jai.

"My birthday is Sunday." I said and the boys all looked at each other.

"What year were you born?" Daniel asked and I rolled my eyes.

"June 9, 1999." I said and the boys nodded.

"So you'll be 14." James said and I nodded.

"I expect lots of presents." I said and then laughed as Ronnie chuckled from the front.

"Don't say that, they might throw you a HUGE party." Mariam said and I laughed.

"We're here." The driver said and the boys piled out as girls screamed once more.

"What do you want for your birthday?" Luke asked me over the screams and I shrugged.

"Anything." I yelled back to Luke and we made it into the House of Blues.

"Eve, stay here until the show starts." Luke ordered and let me sit down on a comfy couch backstage.

"How long do I have to sit here?" I asked pulling my phone out seeing that is was 9:30 in the morning.

"The concert starts at 7:00 so about 9 hours." Luke said and I groaned laying down as he just chuckled and left.

~9 hours later~

"Eve, wake up, the concert is gonna start soon." I opened my eyes to see James standing in front of me smiling. He had a microphone headset and he offered me his hand. I took it and he chuckled slightly. "Let's start the concert." he smirked and pulled me through the backstage where the boys all stood waiting to walk out.

"Hey, I want to be with Eve!" Luke whined and I nodded.

"I want to be with my mommy." I whined pouting at James.

"Do I hear that British accent?" James asked and I blushed looking away.

"Come to mummy!" Luke said and I chuckled as I walked over to Luke and he took my hand in his. I bit my lip nervously as their song, 'Best Friends', started playing.

"I'm so nervous." I said and Luke chuckled.

"Don't worry about it." he said and I was pulled out onto the stage as the girls screamed at the boys.

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