Locked away?

565 16 6

UT Sans' pov

Fell is grinning an evil grin. I was walking downstairs when he started grinning. Maybe it's because of the clothes? Nah Fell wouldn't care if I'm wearing some of his clothes. I walk over and give him a kiss on the cheek (while standing on my tippy-toes). Fell's hands rub up and down my back, making me do a cute giggle. "KETCHUP? DO YOU LOVE ME UNTIL YOU DIE?" Fell said softly. "Of course hon! Why even ask if you know the answer?" I say stepping back a bit. "BECAUSE... I DONT WANT TO LOSE YOU... SO PLEASE STAY IN THE HOUSE AT ALL TIMES AND NEVER LEAVE." Fell toke a syringe from his pocket and stabbed it into a container of red liquid, I knew straight way what was happening, Chara possessed Fell and was trying to give me determination so she can control me, I already have the darkness/Madness inside me. "YOU SAID YES SO NOW YOU CAN NEVER LEAVE HERE." Fell grabbed my arm as I tried to run away from him. Fell slammed me into a wall with his arm over my neck. "Fell! Stop it hurts.... please stop...." I cry a little but Fell doesn't notice it. Fell places the point of the syringe in between my eyes but higher than my eyebrows (if I had skin). He pushes down on the syringe and I start feeling dizzy. I drop to the floor. I blackout.

-- in mind --

It was just darkness, nothing was there. Chara appeared with black tears dripping down and splashing the dark watery floor. That's when I realised... this place was dark because of Chara's tears. I felt pity but I didn't show it. She slowly walked towards me, she looked dead. "Don't leave Fell's house, Gaster will possess you, you don't understand what that means, do you? Right now you are the biggest card in the game, and I'm trying to take out the cheater, but don't worry the determination in you allows me two possess you before Gaster does. If it's needed, remember: Gaster will kill you!" Chara soon disappears but my soul appears, a white heart with a smaller red heart inside? DETERMINATION.

-- Real life --

Fell was on Chara's side, so he locked me in his room. (After taking everything out). Bars were over the windows and a new bar door was behind the other normal door. "Let me out! Please..." I was smashing against the wall, but I soon stopped and cried. When the next day came around, Fell was opening the door at 8:30am to give me breakfast and at 1:00pm he gave me lunch and at 6:00pm he gave me dinner. It had been two days since I was out of the room and I was already... well dead. Nothing was making this any fun, not even my 19th birthday in three days. Fell said some weird things before, and they won't leave my mind. And the way he hurt me... I feel lost. Fell said yesterday that Ink and Dream are coming to visit me for my birthday but I don't really want to see them... but it's not like I'm going anywhere.

I got up and walked to the dresser/bedside table and look in the draws. A knife? What's that doing here?? I blinked a few times before it disappeared. That's it I'm crazy! I'm insane... why would there be a knife? "Hahahahahahahahahaha... haha.." I was laughing quietly to myself. I need to get out of here. But gaster. How would I even?... Whatever. I hear a knock at the door. "KETCHUP? ARE YOU ALL RIGHT?" Fell says from the other side of the door. I hesitate before I stand behind the door. "Yes but I would love to come out now!" I say kindly. "IN THREE HOURS YOU MAY COME OUT BUT NOT OUT SIDE THE HOUSE." Fells says before walking off. Three hours? Yes! I look around to see if I can do anything for three hours. Nothing as always. So I sit there, on the floor. My head was in my hands, I was tired, tired of everything. My back was against the wall. I started fighting sleep,because I haven't slept in days, but I soon fell asleep.

-- In Dream --

I was in the void again? My chest? It hurts? Determination was bleeding out of the slash from a knife. Nothing was around, HELL I was in NOTHING. Someone starts hugging me from behind. I take a look upwards to see... Fell? He gives me a little kiss, before he disappears. Gaster stands in front of me. He is in a black lab coat and white pants. "Do you think I'm STUPID?" Gaster says. "N.... no..." I step back only to have my soul magically appearing in front of me, Gaster summoned his 7 hands, before pulling me and my soul closer to him. "Good so you would know I'd find away to get you right?" Gaster uses his hands to hold me still. "But don't worry, Chara will never find out how I did. Maybe some more madness is needed." Gaster summons madness from the floor, while also getting his two of his hands open my mouth. Four of Gaster's hands are holding my arms out, two on each side, also bringing me down on my knees. Madness goes through my eye sockets and mouth. "You were mine from the start, you'll always be mine." Gaster disappeared again but that wasn't what I was worried about. My eyes I couldn't see. All I could see was a knife in a bloody puddle.

-- Real Life --

I snap open my eyes quickly, all I can see is that bloody knife. I let out a scream, before I know it someone comes in to see what the problem is. "ARE YOU ALRIGHT IN HERE?" Fells voice echoes through the room. "Help.... me...." I whisper over and over again. Fell hugs me. "ITS ALRIGHT IM HERE".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2017 ⏰

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