Will he ever love me?

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UT Sans' pov

I was headed home, to take a shower, after that... I think I need space from monsters. I walk into the house, same as always, green couch and little table to the left, and a kitchen forwards, with stairs to the left. I walk up the stairs and into the bathroom. I strip showing off my spectacular body. I place the worn red scarf on the table and start running the water. As soon as the water touched my boney arm, it relaxed, the water was perfect temperature, so my body melted into it. Most of the black tears also melted off my face and dropped to the floor. I tried not to look at papyrus scarf, I did sometimes but I would zone out in deep thought. Other times little tears would fall to the floor but rarely.

--An hour passed--

I was tried, it's been a long day but my mind didn't want to sleep, it wanted to think of a plan to kill Chara (for good) then get rid of the madness/darkness. So I sat on the floor in the kitchen my hands against my chin, deep in thought. I tried concentrating on the loud clock. The red worn scarf of Papyrus' was around my neck, dusty and all. Maybe all hope wasn't lost? Maybe Fell loves me? It might work? I stood up and walked to the front door, I embarrassingly walk back to the kitchen and take out a container of spaghetti for lunch, then I go back to the door and continue my way to underfell. I get half way before doubt filled my head. Tears dared to crawl down my face. Would Fell remember? Maybe not... I walk through a portal to underfell, with a brown leather bag on one shoulder. The portal was a swirly picture in time of underfell. I fall to my knees while entering, it was normal for the portal to take some strength. The snow was dark red, a fight maybe? Or a... killing? Doesn't really matter tho, it wasn't like I could stop it... whatever 'IT' was.

Underfell. The meanest Au there is. The monsters here kill for fun, and if your weak... you're killed first. Edge and Fell live in the same house as my Au, but it's more... evil looking then back home. I kinda miss Fell so without hesitation I ran through Snowdin and stood on the door step, but I hesitated and stood there. I wasn't sure about knocking now, what if he hated me? I was going to leave, but before I could, someone hugged me from behind. "THERE IS MY LIL' KETCHUP". I tensed up, till I realised who it was. "hi... Fell". Fell turned me around and kissed me deeply. He pulled me closer to him then moved his left hand up my shirt, softly touching my spine. He DEFINITELY remembers. Fell's right hand was holding my cheek softly. "F-fell!" I say shocked. "WHAT CANT I GIVE MY LIL' KETCHUP LOVE?" Papyrus picks me up, then takes me inside. Edge is in the kitchen making dinner. "MAKE ANOTHER PLATE! WE HAVE A GUEST!" Fell yells at his younger brother, Edge. Edge just nods and continues cooking. It was hard to keep my eyes open. It had been a super long day and I was tried. Fell noticed this and toke me it his room, and layed me on the bed. "ILL WAKE YOU UP AT DINNER OK?". I just nodded in response. Fell closed the door quietly and walked downstairs to check on the dinner itself.

--Two hours later--

I walk up to Fell shaking me. It was clearly dinner time. I get up and walk out of the bedroom, and down the stairs. A candle-lit dinner, with chicken and vegetables. I sat next to Fell at the table and Edge sat on the other side of Fell. The dinner was amazingly delicious, Edge was a master cook after all. "So UT how is your Papyrus?" I look at him shocked then I find my voice. (It was under the table!). "H-he umm W-was killed". Fell smashes his plate on the table, scaring me. "WHO KILL HIM?? ILL KILL THEM!" Fell's voice was filled with anger and rage. "It was kinda a team effort, Chara made me kill Papyrus..." I say hesitantly. "Omg... that's terrible." I hear Edge say. "WHAT LV ARE YOU THEN?" Fell says kinda happily. "My LV? It's 4 and I now have 24 Hp." Fell smiles then giggles a bit. "SO YOU'ER GOING AROUND KILLING PAPYRUS' NOW?" Fell says jokingly. "BUT..." Fell continues. "IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOU MAY STAY HERE AND LIVE." Fell said, I nodded and hugged him tightly.

It was nightfall and the Underfell house was completely quiet. Edge slept in his room while me and Fell slept in Fell's room. It was relaxing, even after what I did Fell still loves me. My Papyrus would have been happy for me... but how long does it ring in my head, Papyrus sighing before saying 'don't be sorry'! How long does that stay for? Eternity? I was crying in my sleep, I missed Papyrus, MY Papyrus. My back hurts from being Thrown into the hard, unforgiving snow by Chara. But that was only yesterday, I didn't expect the problem to just disappear straight away. Fell had just woken up, he embarrassingly kissed my neck and hugged me tighter then before. "MORNING KETCHUP." Fell said quietly and softly. "Morning Fell..." it was at this point I remembered the gunshots I heard last night. "Did you hear the gunshots last night?" I say turning over to face Fell. "YEAH A LITTLE BIT... DID THEY WAKE YOU?" Fell looked at me, I just nodded my head. "YEAH I GUESS YOU ARE NOT USE TO HEARING THAT STUFF... BUT DONT WORRY!! IT GROWS ON YOU." Fell smiled down at me, then got up, leaving me in the bed with the covers still on. I rolled into Fell's spot, and as I hoped it was still warm. I watched Fell get dressed out of his old top and shorts, into his fine black battle-body. Fell noticed me staring at him, "LIKE WHAT YOU SEE?" Fell said with a laugh. I blush brightly before throwing the covers over my head. Fell just laughs and then pulls the blanket off me. Fell sits in front of me but still looking down, then he kisses me deeply. Fell's hands travel down my back and around my pelvis, making me moan softly. Fell pulled away -Holding my chin- and softly said "IT IS NICE TO HEAR YOUR MOANS AGAIN. MAYBE SOON I CAN HEAR THEM MORE LOUDER." And with that Fell walked out of the room.

Edge's pov

I hear boss coming down the stairs. I was in the kitchen... cooking breakfast, bacon and eggs. There boss' favourite. Boss lets me cook and do stuff around the house instead of working, looking out for humans, I'm like a stay-at-home... brother. I personally think it's better then before, our relationship... I mean. I hear boss call out my name. "In here boss!" I call back. "AFTER BREAKFAST I WANT YOU OUT OF THE HOUSE UNTIL TOMORROW, I ASKED SI IF YOU COULD STAY THERE HE SAID YES SO GO THERE TONIGHT!" I look at boss, me and si are good friends... dare I say more? But I just nod knowing the boss was gonna have so fun.

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