Meeting Carlisle

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*Esme Cullen*

Its been 4 weeks and Carlisle already announced our leaving to the hospital. By now they will are finishing the paint, after that, we are ready to go.

As for Pitch Black, well.....

Pitch spent a week in Vermont, since its a small state, then he moved to Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and is now in Connecticut. He's beginning to move faster. All of our things were packed and Jada came over with Katrina and Noah.

"Where will you go?" Jada asked me as were sitting and the kids were out, Bella, Noah, and Katrina were here playing.

"We aren't sure yet. First we will go with my parents to live there for a small time and then we'll see where we'll move from there." I said to her. That was the excuse we are using so nobody suspects anything.

"We're gonna miss you all." Jada said and smiled sincerely at me.

"Jada, we'll miss you all as well. Who knows, maybe we'll see each other again sometime, it is a small world after all." I said and we chuckled. That's when Bella took Katrina and Noah to her room.

"By the way, I have noticed that that boy Leo, he's been very friendly with Katrina. I think you're going to have a son in-law." I joked and she laughed.

"Yes, he is a very nice boy. Katrina and him are so cute together. Unfortunately, Bruno, is not as excited." Jada said and I chuckled.

"Well all men aren't. I remember my father used to tell me Carlisle wasn't good enough for me." I said and we chuckled.

"And years later, here you are. Happily married, with your children." Jada said and I chuckled and nodded.

"Yes, even though Rosalie and Jasper are Carlisle's younger brother and sister, I care for them as if they were my own children." I said to her and she nodded.

"How exactly did you meet Carlisle, Esme?" She asked me curiously. I sighed and smiled as I remembered. I knew I had to change a bit of the details since I couldn't tell her the truth.

"Well, I was 16 and I had broken my arm. My younger sister, had taken me to the hospital. There I was sent to the emergency room and there was another doctor I had never seen before. I noticed he was oddly young to be a doctor. He looked to be a teenager." I said and I smiled as I remembered, that part was true. Carlisle is physically 24 years old, though I said he looked to be a teen since it was half true and because I couldn't tell Jada the truth.

"This boy, and another doctor started to attend me. The doctor introduced them both. I remember clearly what he said. He said 'This is Carlisle Cullen, he's a doctor in training.' The doctor let Carlisle attend me as he supervised him to see how he was doing. There from the moment I saw him, I had developed a small crush on him." I said and Jada smiled.

That was another truth. When I met Carlisle as a human, his story was that he was 22 years old and he was a doctor barely graduated and they had supervised him to see how well of a doctor he was. Though my memory was a bit blurry from my human years, I could remember meeting Carlisle perfectly.

"I was the kind of person that didn't get sick easily. So when they helped my arm heal, and I left the hospital, I didn't go back to the hospital in a long time." I said to her and she nodded.

"Years passed and I had turned 18 years old, even as the years passed, I always remembered that boy I had met at the hospital. Wondering if I would see him again or what happened to him." I said and paused a little wondering if I should tell her. I decided that Jada was my friend here and the closest I have to a human friend. I would tell her my story. Well, part of it.

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