Story Time

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*Carlisle Cullen*

Jack walked in and we all greeted him. The Denali's introduced themselves and Jack did too. Then Bella came in and jumped into Jack's arms.

"Jack! You're back!" Bella said happily. Back smiled at her.

"Yes, Snowflake." Jack said and we lead him to the living room.

"Jack, we told her about us not being biological her parents. She doesn't know who they are, but knows they left her with us. We haven't told her anything besides that we aren't her biological family, and what her real name is." I said quietly to him once he had set Bella down.

Jack looked at me in a bit of surprise.

"How'd she take it?" He asked while sitting down.

"Not good. She believes they abandoned her." Esme said to him. Jack sighed and frowned.

"We thought maybe you could answer some of her questions." Rosalie said to me, I nodded. I picked up Bella and sat her next to me.

"Bella, what questions do you have for me about....your parents?" Jack asked her carefully. Bella looked at him and looked down.

*Jack Frost*

The Cullen's and the Denali's went to their rooms to give us privacy.

"You know them. So...where...are they?" Bella asked hesitantly. I sighed.

"Well, they are far away. Although they are taking care of someone. It might they left you, but.... they did it to protect you." I said pausing a few times.

"Why? From who?" Bella asked me and finally looked up.

"Someone. You will understand someday, Isabella. Just not now." I said softly and she nodded.

"Did they leave me? Did they hate me?" Bella asked with a small voice. I shook my head.

"No. They didn't hate you. They needed to leave....for your safety. You weren't safe at the time." I said to her.

"What about now?" She asked me while looking at me in the eyes. I turned away.

"Next question." I simply said, I just couldn't ruin her happy life here. I couldn't tell her she was in danger of death.

"They said I was a Spirit. What is that?" Bella asked referring to the Cullen's.

" different. Vampires,....they live do Spirits." I said hesitantly and wondered if this was a bad idea.

"So...I can live forever?" Bella asked with her eyebrows raised. I pursed my lips a bit.

"Not now. When you're parents left you here with the Cullen's....they took that....ability, to be a Spirit, away. You are a Human.....for the moment." I said slowly letting her process everything.

For some odd reason, Bella has always taken the abnormal alright instead of freaking out.

"Why....did they change my name?" Bella asked quietly.

"Safety." I said simply and she nodded.

"You know my real dad and real mom. Do you see them?" Bella asked me. I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah. Sometimes, other times, I can't really see them since I'm working." I said and she nodded.

"What do they look like?" Bella asked me and I hesitated again.

"Umm....well. Your mother, she is tall, she has water blue eyes. She has this character of being kind, and generous. She will never hurt you on purpose. She is caring. She loves to go out with her friends and have a cup of tea. She isn't a fan of arguing, she likes to solve things with words. She isn't much of partier, she likes to read, she isn't loud at all. She can be shy but never underestimate that. She is like a kitty on the outside, and a lion on the inside. Just like you." I said and Bella nodded not saying anything.

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