Circled by the Wolves

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Alex's POV

I sit next to Denis on the couch watching a movie. My parents are out of town for business stuff. Leaving the house to the guys and us. I cuddle up next to Denis, I take his hand in mine, i look up at him, he has a deep purple hand shaped bruise around his neck, and he has a black eye. Other than that he's getting better. Denis looks down at me and smiles.

I feel myself lean closer up to his face. His brown eyes shining as he looks down at my lips. He starts leaning in too, i begin to get butterflies. We were literally only inches away from kissing when the guys decide to come back.

"Dude you cheated!" Cam's voice says.

"Nuh-uhh you're just mad because you los- whoa. Are we interrupting something?" Hanna looks at us, she wiggles her eyebrows at me.

"Uh, no it's fine," I stutter, moving away from Denis.

"Where were you guys?" I ask.

"We went to the park," Brandi said.

"So you two are arguing over who won tag?" I grin, raising an eyebrow.

"Hey, tag a complex game we need to know who won!" Cam pouts.

I just laugh at him.

"So, uh has Ben shown up since the incident?" I ask, yes I'm asking about him, I don't know why. I'm just curious I guess.

"Why are you asking where he is?" Denis scoffs.

I just put my head down a bit.

"I, uh I'm sorry," I mumble.

Denis rubs my arm soothingly. Brandi and Hanna grab my arm and pull me away to my room.

"Get dressed," Brandi says, looking at my clothes.

My outfit consists of green sweatpants and Denis's sweater. I smells like him, I love it.

"Why?" I ask going to my drawers.

"We're taking you out shopping," Hanna exclaims.

I got ready, wearing a black hoody and skinny jeans. We head downstairs, Denis comes up to me and kisses my forehead.

"Have fun beautiful." Denis said.

Lately Denis has been more comfortable to plant little kisses on my forehead and he always calls me beautiful.

"I will!" Hanna grins.

"I wasn't talking to you," Denis laughs.

"What, so I'm not beautiful?" Hanna pouts.

"You babe," Cam pipes in.

She smiles at Cam and kisses him. We leave to head to the mall. We go to Spencer's first. I looks around, there's a shirt that has a Nun on it, smoking and has her middle fingers up, it says 'How many fucks I give? Nun' I died laughing at that.

I notice a nice pair of grunge like sunglasses. I grab them and look for other stuff.

I pay for everything and walk out with Brandi and Hanna. I bought those sunglasses along with some clothes.

We go to a few other stores. It's dark by the time we get home. I go right to my room to throw the clothes I got in the laundry and to put my hair up and change.

I go downstairs, the guys are all drinking beers in the kitchen. I go up to Denis and take his beer taking a swig. He smirks and was about to say something when suddenly the door bursts open. Then I see Ben get pushed up against the wall with someone stuck to his lips. She's practically eating his face.

I cringe, and put my face in Denis's chest. For some reason I feel a small bubbly feeling in the pit of my stomach. Denis wraps his arms around me as I move my head to look at Ben.

"Where've you been?" James asks.

Ben pushes the girl off softly and he immediately looks at me.

"I was with Jasmine," Ben groans as he moves his hand over his crotch.

"Jas-who?" I ask.

"Me, I'm Jasmine," The girl says.

Her voice is annoyingly high pitched, and I don't think I've seen a more skimpier outfit than hers. Her boobs are literally hanging out, and all she was wearing for bottoms were very very short shorts, and you could see her neon thong drive up the bottom of the back. Oh my Ben, why someone like her.

"Okay, that's nice," I say monotone taking Denis's hand dragging him to the living room.

"Don't you think it's a bit rude to bring another girl and sleep with her in Alex's house, instead of yours?" I hear Sam comment.

Ben doesn't reply. I just hear him and the girl go upstairs. I roll my eyes, Denis notices and brings me close to him.

"Don't worry about Ben, he's just not in the right state of mind," Denis coos.

I sigh leaning into his chest, taking in his scent. I almost immediately feel relaxed.

"Yo lovebirds, wanna watch a movie?" James asks plopping himself on the couch.

"We're not together," I almost say too quick.

"Would you guys ever get together?" Brandi asks.

"No! I mean, I don't know.." I panic trying to make the 'no' sound less mean.

Denis lets go of me, he walks to sit next to James. I sigh and pick a movie, putting it in the dvd player and sat down next to Hanna. We just watch movies for the rest of the night, while hearing constant moaning from upstairs.

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