A Candlelit Dinner With Inamorta

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My mom invited the Shaforostovs into the house to sit down.

"Dinner will be ready in ten, Alexandria why don't you take Denis up to your room until dinner is ready," My mom suggests.

I internally poke her side. I don't want to be alone with Denis, not after what he had pulled earlier today.

"Sure," I involuntarily sigh.

I begin walking up the stairs, Denis trailing behind me. We enter my room and I sit on my bed.

"I might have to tell Ben what you did to me today," I randomly bring up.

"What. No please don't, he's like my only my friend besides you, and, and I don't want him to hate me suddenly," Denis rushes out.

"Yeah but he deserves to know, like I said I might, you just gotta promise me nothing like that will happen again," I stand up.

"Ok fine it won't happen again, I promise!" Denis promises.

Wow he really wants to be Bens friend. I feel my phone go off in my pants pocket. I fish my phone from my pants and see Ben texted me.

Ben❤️: Come over bby;)

I grin at his suggestive language.

Me: I wish I could, but grounded and I have Denis' family over for dinner, not my idea my mothers.

I put my phone down and throw it on my bed. I look at Denis and sit on the floor.

"Why are you sitting on the floor?" Denis asks.

"Why aren't you sitting on the floor?" I ask back.

"Touché," Denis chuckles.

I just smile as my phone goes off again.

Ben❤️: Fine. But, don't think I'm not getting anything after your grounding is over..

Me: Oh Ben, you're so needy.

Ben❤️: Only for you;)

I felt a blush creep up my face as my hair falls around my face.

"Why so blushy?" Denis questions sitting on the floor with me.

"Nothing just a text," I say putting my phone in my back pocket.

"You know you can break your phone by doing that?" Denis informs me.

"You know I could break your dad by doing him," I say without thinking.

Denis raises his eyebrows and bursts out laughing. I cover my mouth and regret saying that. What even did I just say?

"Oh my fucking god forget I said that! That's so fucking weird!" I laugh out loud.

"Kids, dinners ready!!" My mother calls to us.

Denis sobers up from laughing and stands up. He holds his hand out for me to take it. I took it, as he helped me stand up.

We make our way downstairs and take our seats.

"So Alex, how are you liking school?" Mrs. Shaforostov asked me.

"I like it very much, but Denis is a real debby downer at school," I joke nudging his arm.

Mrs. Shaforostov giggles as she took a sip of her wine.

"He's always been that way, he wasn't excited to go to a new school. But I'm glad he met a beautiful girl like you," She complimented.

I looked at Denis then back at her.

"Oh thank you!" I smiled kindly.

Everyone began talking about random subject like mine and his father began talking about politics, our mothers began talking about recipes.

Denis and I say there not knowing what to talk about.

"Oh, have you thought of any quotes that make you feel anything for our project?" I ask remembering about that.

"A few, but I'm not really sure about them, have you?"

"A couple, do you wanna come over tomorrow and work on the power point?" I invite. "Ben will be over with us, or I haven't talked to him about it but I know he'll want to come over,"

"Aren't you grounded?"

"Yeah but I can just sneak Ben in through my window," I say, taking a bite of potato.

"Uh, will you work? Like if Ben is there I know a lot of couples who avoid doing work and do something else," He says suggestively.

"Ok Denis, I'm not gonna be doing him while you're around," I laugh.

"Oh haha," He chuckles oddly.

I finish my plate and get up, putting my dishes in the sink. I take Denis' and take them to the sink too.

"You kids can go out for a bit or just go to your room while I clean up," My mother said.

I grinned and grabbed my shoes pulling Denis out of the house.

"Wow my mother must really like you if she's letting me go out when I'm grounded," I squealed.

"What can I say? I'm a real charm when it comes to the ladies," Denis chuckles.

I playfully push him.

We walk around and do random shit, I'm just basically enjoying the outside and hanging with Denis.

Suddenly my phone goes off.

Ben❤️: I thought you were fucking grounded, and I see you from my bedroom window skipping around with Denis?! >:(

Me: Baby it's not what you think, my mom said I could go out for a bit with Denis, I am grounded but for some reason she said I could go out.

Ben❤️: Yeah because she fucking likes Denis and not me. You didn't even come to my house to see if I wanted to hang out with you guys. Whatever hang out with Denis all night long idgf

My heart began to race. Whenever someone picks a fight with me or none the less begins having an attitude with me my heart race begins to pick up.

I shut my phone off so I won't get any more texts from him.

"What was that?" Denis asks curiously.

"Oh nothing just Ben thinking I'm lying to him about shit. It doesn't matter," I say, my voice giving the hint to not push farther.

"Okay... So then we should go do something fun then," Denis suggests.

"Nah I think we should just go home," I say.

"Okay," Denis mumbles.

He puts his arm around my comfortingly. I just lean into his body.

He scent is relaxing. Axe with a hint of mint.

We walk home to find Denis' parents getting ready to leave.

"Ah Denis we were just gonna text Alex bring you back here, we're leaving, it was a lovely dinner thank you Ann," Mrs. Shaforostov says smiling.

They leave and I sigh going up to my room.

I turn my phone back on only to have more messages from Ben.

Ben❤️: So I see you turned off your phone ignoring me.

Ben❤️: Don't think I didn't see Denis put his arm around you, and you just completely sink into his body.

Ben❤️: You know I only live down your street and I could see you and Denis hanging together. It's obvious you want him.

Ben❤️: You should just fucking be with him then.

I let out an annoyed sigh and just scream into my pillow. Ben is such a jealous prick.

Me: My god Ben I can't be friends with another guy without you thinking I want them?! Let's bring up all the times you've cheated on me!!

Ben❤️: Shut up! That was twice and you know I regret that! Don't try to turn this around on me!

Me: Whatever.

I sigh. Ben needs to stop. School is gonna be just great tomorrow.

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