I Used To Have A Bestfriend

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I woke up, my body aching all over. Panic suddenly takes over my body, I look over to find Denis sleeping next to me.

I check under the sheets and scream. I cheated on Ben! I fucking slept with Denis!

I pick my clothes up and throw them on me before I shove Denis out of my bed.

"Ow! What the fuck?!" Denis grumbles.

"You fucking... You let me do this!" I screech.

"I didn't let you do anything, you did all of this because you're a fucking whore," He growls before taking a photo of me.

I blink twice before blowing a fuse. I hit Denis all over, I punch him square in the nose, possibly breaking it.

"Get the fuck out! You're never allowed here or around me again!" I cry.

Denis smirks before leaving my room.

I didn't think Denis was that kind of guy to do that to someone. But now I know who he really is.

I'm shaking I don't know what to do. This is Denis' fault but it's also mine, I didn't stop him.

Do I tell Ben? I have to! Somehow though... Maybe he'll understand, I mean he's cheated and I didn't stay mad at him.

I'll tell him tomorrow.


I woke up to my phone going off with notifications. I open them up to find the photo of me from yesterday morning on Denis' Instagram.

The caption 'Had a great night with this one 👉🏻👌🏻'

I began getting hate for what happened.

My phone goes off.

Ben❤️: What the hell Alexandria?! You fucking cheated on me! And with Denis! What the fuck?! Never talk to me ever again we're done!!

I immediately called Ben.

"Fuck off Alexandria!" Ben angry voice growled.

"Please Ben let me explain!" I gasp.

The line went dead. Tears swell up in my eyes, I ruined my relationship with Ben, my first love.

I have but no choice to go to school and face everyone...

I do my make up and get dressed. I walk to school, while I walked everyone looked at me.

When I got to school everyone stared at me and pointed, why is it a big deal to everyone that I slept with Denis? It should be between Denis, Ben, and I.

"Cheater!" Someone screamed at me.

People began picking at my clothes.

"Fuck off!" I screamed.

I ran down the hall to come across Ben, Denis, Cameron, Sam, Brandi, and James.

They all looked at me very disappointedly. Ben just glared at me and Denis smirked.

"Why the hell are you still friends with Denis?! He was part of it too!" I whine at Ben.

"He's not a fucking cheating whore, you came onto him!" Ben snaps.

"Oh is that what he told you?! Because he fucking came onto me!" I spit.

"Like I believe you, you were all over Denis once he joined our school," Ben retorts walking away.

I look at my friends pleadingly. They just look at me and shake their heads, walking away.

The bell rang meaning class starts in five minutes.

I walk to my first class, I find James walking ahead of me.

"Wait! James!" I call.

He turns his head to look at me but turns his head back and keeps walking.

I run up to him.

"I thought you were our friend," James mumbles.

"I am! Why are you guys mad at me?!" I ask.

"Ben is our friend, so are you, but you hurt Ben very bad, you cheated on our friend with another friend Alex, unforgivable," James mutters walking away from me.

Tears build up in my eyes, I lost all my friends.

I walk into class to have everyone whispering, staring, and pointing at me.

I immediately just fast walk to the back of the classroom.

I put my head down and waited for class to end.

The day gone by slow as fuck, everyone is talking about me. This girl kissed a guy, then kissed another guy and said,

"Oh look I'm Alex I'm gonna go cheat on my boyfriend,"

I'm walking home when a group of guys came up to me.

"Oh look what we have here, a little cheating slut, hey maybe she'll give us some, she does like to share herself," One of the guys cackled and they walked away.

I put my head down and cried the rest of the way home.

I heard someone walk up beside me.

I raised my head up and saw Denis. The last person i'd ever want to see and talked to.

"What the fuck do you fucking want?!" I snap.

"What's wrong?" Denis asked.

"Like you give a shit, leave me alone Denis I fucking hate you!" I yell pushing him away from me.

I dash home and slam my bedroom door, breaking down.

Everyone hates me, even my best friends.

It's not even that big of a thing for other people...

Why is everyone talking about me cheating when Ben cheated other times and no one cared.

Ben: Never fucking talk to me ever again!

Me: Why the fucking hell are you mad?! You cheated before and I never stayed mad at you!

Ben: I never fucking expected it from you

I scream out in range, frustration, sadness, and confusion. I chuck my phone at my wall, shattering it.

My life is ruined... It's only been one day of this, I can only imagine how much worse it's gonna get.

I guess I deserve it.. I mean I did cheat on Ben.. He didn't deserve it.

But why isn't anyone mad at Denis? He did just as bad as me.

I climb on my bed and cry myself to sleep.

I Won't Give InTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon