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I woke up dreading today. Ben is gonna start shit up with me, he shouldn't even be mad at me! Like god, I was hanging out with Denis.

While Ben hangs out with other girls. Plus not to mention he has cheated on me twice and yet I'm not getting pissed at him for hanging out with other girls.


Maybe he'll cool down. It was two days since the dinner. Although Ben yelled at me yesterday..

I get up and get dressed. I wear my Slipknot cut up shirt, ripped black skinny jeans, a few wrist bands, and my converse.

I do my make up and check my phone. Today we have to present our quotes thing, Denis came over yesterday to work on the presentation.

I sigh, I climb over to Denis' window and knock on it. Denis opens the window and smiles.

"Hey," He greets, letting me climb.

"Sup. Ready to do the presentation?" I ask, putting my hands in my jean pockets.

"Oh ya totally," Denis says sarcastically.

I giggle. We leave the house together, we hear heavy stomping behind us. I turn around to see Ben walking behind us.

We make eye contact for a brief second. I give him a slight smile, but he just gave me a cold glare.

I flipped him off. He flipped me off back.

"You're a fucking dick Ben! Overreacting about me hanging out with other guys while you hang out with other girls all the fucking time!" I shout.

"Yeah well you're a whore flaunting your tits around Denis!" Ben shouts back.

I feel tears brim my eyes. I turn my head back to Ben, he just keeps his glare.

I turn back around and grab Denis' hand as we dash away from him. We get to school and I'm heavily breathing.

"Are you okay?" Denis asks me.

"Peachy," I snap accidentally.

We walk to class and sit down together. Everyone begins walking in the classroom. James enters and looks at me, he walks overs and sits on the other side of me.

"What's going on with you and Ben?" James asks.

"We're in a stupid fight," I growl.

"Oh sorry love, hopefully you two will work it out," James says sympathetically putting his hand on my shoulder.

I give him a thank you look.

"Ok class listen up. We're presenting our presentation today. And uhhh," The teacher began looking at her papers.

"It looks as if Denis and Alexandria are going first," He grinned.

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Please call me Alex not Alexandria," I say snobbily.

I set up the computer and get our slide on the screen.

Denis went first with his quotes.

"Don't worry about those who talk behind your back, they're behind your back for a reason," Denis read the quote out loud.

"I chose this quote because, in my last school people would always talk about me, say mean stuff, but wouldn't say it to my face. I was bothered by it very much but then I realized that well, they're behind my back for a reason, that reason being that what they're saying about me isn't important enough for them to say it to my face, or that they're just cowards afraid to say those things to me," Denis finishes.

"Very nice, what do you think the author of this quote was feeling at the time?" The teacher asks Denis.

"Honestly, probably just pride. Pride because they realized how unimportant the things people would say about you behind your back is, at least that's how I felt and maybe they felt that way too," Denis breaths, smiling.

"Very good, Alex?" The teacher says looking for my quote.

I turn to my quote and look at the class.

"It hurts the most when the person who made you feel so special yesterday makes you feel so unwanted today," I say, reading the quote.

I take a deep breath.

"I chose this quote because I'm going through a tough fight with someone close with me. They made me feel ever so special and wanted one day. But they overreacted and well now, they're making me feel unwanted and alone, I guess I could just make a connection to this quote with what I'm going through right now," I say, making eye contact with James.

"I'm sorry Alex," The teachers says.

I just nod.

"What did you think the author was feeling at the time?"

"Sadness, anger, betrayal in a way," I says simply.

"Very good,"

Everyone began to clap.

I just say back down and laid my head on the desk waiting for class to end.


It's lunch and I haven't seen Ben all day, I've mainly just been wth myself all day, Denis is with James, Brandi, Sam, and Cameron all day.

I'm sitting up in a tree in front of the school when I hear my name being called out.

"Alex?" A familiar British voice called out.

I roll my eyes and sigh.

"What do you want Ben? Came here to call me a whore again? Go on tell me how you really feel about me," I snap.

Ben comes to the tree.

"I'm sorry love. James told me about the quote you chose for your project, I'm sorry I've made you feel unwanted," Ben apologizes.

"Apologies don't mean shit to me Benjamin you know that," I spit.

"I know, and I will show you I'm sorry, I won't get mad at you hanging out with other guys, I guess.. I guess I'm just afraid you'll find better guys out there," Ben says softly.

I get out of the tree walking up to him.

He holds his hands out for me, I look at his hand then at him, he gives me these puppy eyes that I just melt for.

"I'll let this one slide Ben," I mumble, taking his hand.

"I'll never do that every again babe," Ben says kissing my lips.

I smile into the kiss, I missed this loving Ben.

Denis' POV

How did Alexandria just forgive Ben like that? I wouldn't have forgiven him for that if I was her.

But who am I to even be thinking about her forgiving him.

I was walking by them when I heard Ben call out for her. I just had to stick around and see if Ben was gonna yell at her again. So I could stand up for her.

I really like Alex, I'll admit that but I know I can't be with her because she's with Ben. I guess I'll just have to be that supporting friend of a relationship that I don't even want her to be in.

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