Chapter 5

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Larissa in Picture

Casey's POV

"Casey, get your head out of your ass. Let's go" yelled one of my comrades. I was currently on a mission. Me and 3 other agents were infiltrating a terrorist base and taking it down. We planted bombs that would go off in 5 seconds when we hit the trigger. I was so caught up in thinking about Reveena I didn't notice that everyone else had already boarded the plane. I quickly sprinted towards them and jumped on the ladder that was hanging down.

"Cacey what the hell was that. You could have blew the whole mission standing out there looking like a deer in headlights" John one of the agents yelled. He always thought he was better than the rest of the agents in the Supernatural Society Government. I've had to put him in his place multiple times. That doesn't stop him from coming back for more.

"Get your head in the game or get out of it" he hissed at me. I growled a challenging growl back. Jade interfered. She was another one of the agents and my best friend. She was a fairy from a royal line. Though she wasn't snobby like John. "We are not about to start this again." She locked eyes with John "And if you fight, we all know who'll win". He hissed again and went to his room on the plane.

Jade led me to her room. I started pacing and running my hands through my hair. "Case" I stopped pacing and turned my attention towards Jade. She patted the stop on the bed in front of her on the bed indicating for me to sit down.

"Tell me what's up" she said. I didn't even try playing the dumb card. She knew me better than I knew myself. I loved her like the sister I never had. I told her all my problems and she always had some good advice. I went in on what's been happening. Starting with meeting Reveena at the mall.

"The Reveena Huntington. As in the assassin is your mate. Is she hot" classic Jade. She couldn't keep a girlfriend nor boyfriend if her life depended on it. She was bisexual but she leaned more towards the boys.

"Yes to both" I responded. "Well, when was the last time you saw her. You clearly can't get her off your mind" she asked.

"Last night" I confessed. She smirked. "So that's where your snuck off to. Going to see your assassin of the night."

"Yes and stop referring to her as an assassin. She has a name and she's a good person. I can see it in her eyes"I said in a dreamlike way.

"You're falling for her" I nodded.


Erica's POV

I was upset. No I was pissed. How dare she insult my mate. Like she's right. How does she even know about her past. And go live with her. Fucking forget it. I'll take care of my Rissa myself. I don't need her help. Can't run from your problems. Her voice echoed in my head. I wanted to rip her throat out.

She gave us her address. Fuck that I was going to burn it. I felt tingles go up and down my spine. I sighed and leaned into the touch. "Don't even say it" I told her already knowing what she was about to say. "You know we need her" I growled. "I said don't say it. I can protect you myself."

"I believe you, but we don't even know...anything really. They sent Reveena Huntington. People only send Reveen when they really want someone dead. But she kept us alive. I'm pretty sure she's never done that before. She care's. Under that hard exterior I know you see that she cares" Larissa pleaded with me. I sighed again.

Rissa will forever be my weakness. "Alright. We'll go, but I won't like it." She smiled and kissed my cheek. I checked the time. It was 7:00. We had an hour to get ourselves together.

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