Chapter 4

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Erica in Picture

Reveena's POV

Case # 2

Erica and Larissa. These two teenagers are 18 and 17 years old and they go to Stony Mist High School. A supernatural high school. I haven't had a supernatural case in a while. It got me really excited.

Anyway Erica and Larissa are mates. They discovered each other when Erica went on a mission for her to school to save a group of werewolves that were kidnapped from some terrorist group.

The terrorist group did some pretty bad things to Larissa so she started using drugs. Erica figured out Larissa was in deep from all the drugs she used. Meaning she was in debt. So Erica did what any good mate would do. She took her away from the situation.

Now the people she was in debt with wanted them. Either they got their money. Or they died. Now I knew they didn't have the money to pay. So the kill would be quick and easy.

Now I know their school schedule. So I know they'll be out by 4 and meeting up with some friends right after.

Erica's POV

Once again I sit in math class bored out of my fucking mind. After this I had lunch then gym class then I could go hangout with my wonderful mate and friends.

"Erica" my teacher yelled at me. Ah shit what did I do this time. My eyes snapped to the teacher. "Since, you aren't paying attention I assume you know what to do. How about you come up here and solve this problem." I hate him.

He always finds ways to put kids on  the spot. I did my famous 'I hate you' glare and went up to the board. I stared at the problem completely confused. "Were waiting Ms.Jo-

Brinnnggg. Saved by the bell. I raced back to my seat and gathered my stuff. I was the first one out the door. "Stupid fucking teacher. Always calling people out" I grumbled under my breath.

Then the most amazing scent hit me. Honey and vanilla filled my nostrils stopping my grumbling rant. I felt hands go around my waist and tingles and electric jolts ran through my body.

"Hey baby" Larissa said to me. I turned around and greeted her with a kiss she returned whole-heartedly. My heart fluttered in my chest. I had to pull back before I jumped her right in the middle of the hallway. And the mating heat was in season since I hadn't marked her yet.

I had to stop numerous of unmated wolves trying to claim what's mine. I know it's not their fault, but it still made me angry. That's why you should have marked her already idiot my wolf, Kye said. I just rolled my eyes. She's been telling me to mark ever since we saved her from a terrorist group.

"Babe, come on. Our friends are waiting." I put my books in such in my locker and grabbed my gym bag. I intertwined Larissa's hand with mine and we headed to lunch.

Once we made it to lunch we immediately spot our friends. There is Mya, dragon shifter, Daron, vampire, and Cameron, elemental. I have known all if them since elementary school. We are a diverse group of students, who all has had problems. But we accept each other no matter what.

"I think it's safe to say, you two are the cutest couple. EVER" said Mya. I smirked towards Rissa and she blushed a bright red. I led us to are seat and kissed her cheek.

"So are we all set on the plan to hang out after school" asked Cameron. We responded with a chorus of yea and yes.

Reveena's POV

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