chapter 10

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~Skylar's .Pov.~

I heard the front door close and sat up. I saw through the crack of my door that Julia went out side again. She's been doing that for the passed week. I know it's not because of Niall because she barely even remembers his name. I got up and went to her room to hear her singing that stupid song. 

"Julia. Why are you always waking up this late? It's getting kind of annoying. And whats up with that song?" I asked. She looked at me. Her eyes sparkled and she seamed to glow. 

"God, please tell me you didn't meet anyone new." I said rubbing my face trying to get the sleep to some how leave my body. 

"I can't. Cause then that'd be a lie." She said in a sing song tone. 

''It's one in the morning. And your all jump happy? How??" I asked. She only giggled some more. 

"For the love of God go to bed!" I yelled. Her smile faded and her eyes turned to fear. I looked behind me to see someone standing there. It was a male figure as far a I could see. There was a wing figure on the ground but he didn't have any wings which was odd. 

"S-Skylar?" She said shakily. "Please tell me you invited Liam over but forgot."

"It's one in the morning Jules why would I do that?" I asked. She pulled me back by my arm. 

"Who is that then?" She asked. He stepped closer to us. Everything but his face was see able. 

"wait..." I said. I walked closer to him to try and see his face. ''Niall..?"

~Harry's .Pov.~

"Wheres Niall?" I asked. Liam shrugged. 

"He flew off." Louis said pointing to the sky. 

"Why'd you let him?!" I asked.

"I didn't know how to stop an ANGEL okay?? I'm a vampire, I don't do the whole Angel thing!" He said. I felt a stab in my heart. 

"Hurts. It actually hurts." I said before walking off. I had to find Niall before he does something he's gonna regret. I know it's late but still. I was supposed to be watching him and that's the only reason I was sent down here in the first place. I went to Julia and Skylars house to see if he for some reason went there. When I got there the lights were on and I saw three figures in the window. He was here. I went and knocked on the door. A girl stood up and went to the door. 

"harry, what are you doing here?" Julia asked. 

"I was looking for my friend Niall. Is he here by any chance?" I asked. She looked at my confused. 

"How did you know to come here?" She asked. I completely forgot we only ever talked about niall once which she most likely forgot about now considering it had to do with Niall. 

"Well, well, this was the closest place I could think of to find him and he always talks about this place so, I thought I'd check here." I said. She nodded then let me in. 

"Yeah, he's here." She said. I walked in to see Niall standing in the middle of the room. 

"What was it you wanted again Niall?" She asked. My eyes widened. 'Sorry Harry, now or never..'

"I need something-"

"He needs some help on a cake for his brother." I blurted. Niall glared at me but Julia and Skylar stared at me. 

"A.. a cake you came here at 1 in the morning, for a cake?" Skylar asked. I nodded. Niall nodded too. I smiled. He finely got some scene into him. 

"Well, what does your brother like?" Skylar asked. 

"B-batman." Niall stuttered. Skylar's smile got wide. 

"Okay! Tomorrow we will start! I'm amazing at Batman Cakes." Skylar said. Hm, I should remember that for Liam...

~The next Day- After the cake~
~Julia's .Pov.~

"I just don't know Sky. Something seems off about those boys and I am determined to find out." I said pacing back in forth. Skylar was cleaning the kitchen from our little cake baking class. FYI, those boys have no clue how to cook. 

"Maybe they're just normal guys. Well, as normal as vampires get." She said running water over the rag. 

"I'm sorry, but Niall's shadow had wings. Another seller, he had a shadow!" I said. She rolled her eyes. 

"Look babe, he might just be scared of losing you again. I could be hidding himself as an angel to cover the fact he's a vampire." She said. "They can do that you know."

"Yes, I know they can do that." I snapped. She shook her head.

"They're not trying to take anything from you. And if they were, they'd know better to just take it and go because your a witch. You can kill them if you wanted to." She said with a shrug of a shoulder.

"I'm not like those other witches Skylar." I said. I put my hair into a pony tail and continued pacing the room. 

"But honestly Julia, if you were in the situation those witches were in, wouldn't you take it?" She asked. I sighed knowing it was the truth. I thought about her words. 

"What ever. I'm taking a walk. Feel free to find me if you get lonely with out Liam around." I said. She nodded. 

"Thanks for the early birth day present by the way. Make me Clean the kitchen!" She shouted before I closed the door. I made sure my phone was in my pocket before actually leaving. I started walking on the trail I always took. I heard a small laugh. I looked back to see someone with black hair walking with a girl with blond hair. They were holding hands and talking like best friends. I wish I had that. 

"Hey." Someone said. I looked ahead to see Harry standing there with a single blue rose. My favourite color to. 

"Hi." I said. He handed me the rose and smiled. 

"A rare rose for a rare girl to find." He said with a wink. I laughed a little bit. 

"Thank you Harry." I said. He smiled and nodded. 

"So what are you doing?" He asked. I shrugged. 

"About to go on a walk. Wanna join?" I asked. He shrugged. We started walking on the trail I always took. I felt something slip into my hand and intertwine our fingers. I looked down to see Harry had grabbed my hand. I smiled to myself. I felt guilty about the whole thing, but I don't really know why? I felt like it had to do with Niall, but then I thought why would it? I mean, he's a friend. But that's all. Right? Things could actually go right for me this time around...

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