Chapter 6

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-Julia's .Pov.-

I woke up in an unfamiliar place. As I waited for my eyes to adjust to the lighting I heard water crashing against where ever I was. I heard birds chirping above me. I felt the place rock back and forth lightly. I realized where I was and what happened last night. The only problem was that Niall was no where to be found. I thought he stayed in here with me last night, or maybe I was dreaming that he stayed with me. Either way I was worried about where he was. I threw the warm sheets and blankets off of me then put my feet on the cold ground. Come on! The least he could do was tell me that the floor would be cold when I woke up, but did that happen? Nooo. Instead I had to find out myself, cause God forbid I have warm feet when I wake up. I started walking to the door trying my best to ignore the fact my feet may freeze. I quickly ran back and grabbed the light blanket that was at the foot of the bed. I wrapped it around my body then walked back to the door. I looked to my right but saw no sign of Niall. I looked left, then saw him sleeping on the couch curled up in a light blanket softly snoring away with his mouth slightly opened. I walked over to him and nudged him. 

"Niall..." I said. he groaned a little bit. 

"Niall." I said more sternly. 

"No. Five more minutes mum.." He mumbled. I laughed a little bit. How sweet. I wonder if he's dreaming about his family. I lightly shoved his shoulder again. 

"Niall. Don't make me shock you again." I said. His eyes flew opened and looked at me with fear in his eyes. I laughed. 

"That's not funny." He said groggily. I laughed some more. 

"It's cold." I said after my fit of laughter. He scooted back a little bit then lifted up his blanket for me to join him. I gladly layed down under the blanket and sighed. He wrapped his arms around me causing these things called butterflies to fly around in the pit of my stomach. I closed my eyes again and just relaxed a little bit. 

"Are you warmer now?" He whispered, still kind of tired. 

"yes." I whispered back. He smiled. 

"How'd you sleep?" He asked. I shrugged. 

"Good I guess. What about you?" I asked. He mimicked me and shrugged. 

"Later we can go to brunch or something." He said. 

"If only I had another change of cloths besides my dress." I said referring to the clothes I had on now. He nodded. 

"I have some sweats here if you'd like to wear them. Their old and would probably fit. And I have a t-shirt you can wear to." He said. I smiled. He was to sweet. 

"Okay." I said. We didn't move a muscle for a while. But then my phone started ringing the all to familiar song of Royals. I groaned and reached for my phone that was placed in my bag on the coffee table. It was Skylar. I clicked accept and put the phone to my ear only to hear giggling. 

"Liam! Stop tickling me!" She squeaked. I snickered and kept the phone to my ear. 

"Liam! I'm for real! Stop it!" She squealed again. I cleared my throat. It fell quiet. 

"Julia?" She asked. I laughed some more. 

"Boy I hope I didn't interrupt anythi- oh wait. You called me." I said. She laughed sarcastically. 

"Where are you? When you didn't come home I thought you just crashed at Niall's but then I called Liam and he said neither of you were there." she said. 

"I will explain everything later. I just woke up so I'll call you back after I take a shower bye!" I said all to fast like but hung up anyways. I dropped my phone on the ground and turned to face Niall. 

"We should get up and get going if we want to get brunch." I said. He nodded. I stood up first then waited for him to get up. He didn't though. I grabbed the blanket and pulled it off of him. He groaned and looked at me. 

"Come on! It's cold!" He said. I laughed. 

"That's what you get. You never told me it would be cold when I woke up in the morning." I said throwing the blankets in the opposite direction. 

"I tried but you fell asleep on me. I couldn't wake you up just to tell you it was going to be cold in the morning." He said. 

"That's a lame argument but I'll let it slide." I said. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. 

"Good, cause I really couldn't think of anything else to argue with." I nodded and rolled my eyes.

"Where are the clothes you said I could barrow?" I asked. He stood up after stretching then walked to the room I had earlier walked out of. He went to the dresser then looked through them until he found a pare of black sweats and a white t-shirt. 

"Bath room is right in there." he said. I nodded then walked where he told me it would be. After I closed the door I locked it then stripped out of this dress. I pulled on the cloths he had gotten for me then pulled my mess/ curly hair into a pony tail. I walked out to see Niall sitting on the now made bed with is phone out. 

"Yeah, she's with me." He started. "I told you! I'm working on it.." He whispered the last part. What was he working on? "I'll have it done by the end of the month. I promise! Alright, bye." He hung up then sighed. 

"I'm ready." I said. He looked back at me with fear in his eyes. Why was he hiding something from me? It's probably none of my business. I mean, we've only been on one date but still, it felt like an eternity in my time. 

"I will get to the docks then..'' He said clearing his throat. I nodded. He walked out of the room then went to go steer us back to shore. I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed Wendy's, my sister, number. She was the first person who would know what to do. Skylar of coarse would too but she's never been in this situation before. I literally had no idea what to do right now. 

"Hello?" Wendy said.

"Wendy, I need your help. Come down as soon as you can." I said frantically.

"Okay. I'm packing my bags now and I will be there soon." She said.

"Okay. Please, please be here." I said.

"I promise. Just stay calm ok." I said. I nodded even though she couldn't see me.

"Do you need me to stay on the phone with you?" she asked.

"No. Just text me." I said then hung up. Wait, I'm a witch, I thought, I can cast a spell on him to see what hes thinking.
I got up and went to the front of the boat. I hope this works..

Hey guys so heres the update. I hope you like it. If you have any ideas then pm me, id love to hear what you want to happen next. So pm me, comment, vote, all that good stuff. Bye!

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