Makai:"Because I don't feel like talking"

Me:"Stop being a bitch!"

To say I saw my life flash before my eyes is an understatement, the sword was right between my eyes with only a finger holding it back. I didn't know he knew any puppet strings technique but what I did know was it was never a good idea to curse him least not like that. The sword lowered but the glare was still there a burning passion in his eyes focused solely on me. The killer intent he was realeasing was more intense than the 9 tails and mine combined, my knees quievered and my heart raced in fear. I hadn't been this scared since Kurama and I's first meeting.

Makai:"Next time I won't stop it"

His voice gave goosebumps and even more popped up when he vanished leaving me jaw agaped. For a while I stood staring at the space just occupied as if wishing he would come back. Maybe I did but why was the question; in the little under a month I knew him he'd become my closest friend but I wanted more than that now... I wanted somebody to call mine.
At training ground

I arrived the same time as Kakashi gaining odd looks from Sasuke and Sakura but Makai was nowhere to be seen. As if knowing I was thinking of him a tremor shook the earth throwing us all off balance, and in that moment he appeared standing over me still glaring. "Why would you do that!" Sakura screeched at Makai earning a death look. Kakashi-sensei had stood back up and was helping a silent Sasuke & frightened Sakura off the ground. Makai while not giving eye contact extended his arm to help me to my feet.

Kakashi:" Well....I guess I'll explain the test. The test is simple, get these 2 bells before noon. If you don't get a'll be sent to the acedemy."

Sakura:"But I thought we arlready took a test"

Makai:"That was to weed out hopeless cases such as yourself"

Kakashi:"He's right...on the first part. But now we begin. Come at me with the intent to kill"

At his words Sasuke jumped into bushes nearby Sakura hot on his tail

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At his words Sasuke jumped into bushes nearby Sakura hot on his tail. Kakashi-Sensei, Makai, and I stood in the center of the clearing eying each other at least until I heard the splash of water. Whipping my head to the river behind Kakashi I saw a water dragon rising stealthy; "Water Style:Water Wall" a wall of water surrounded Kakashi as the liquid dragon gave an earthshaking roar and charged. Seeing no effect from Makai's justu I pulled my scythe out chanelling wind chakra into the blade and ran at Kakashi; he pulled out a kunai blocking my strike with a serious expression.
3rd person POV

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