The Challenge

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A loud beeping noise woke me up from my peaceful slumber. I looked around nervously as I scanned the room: an IV stand was next to my bed as well as tubes winding around my body. Anko was slumped in a chair across the room drool plastering the lower half of her face.
She jerked forward falling out of her chair faceplanting on the cold white tile floor. She picked herself up scowling in my direction before pulling her chair beside my bed.

Anko:"So I have questions"

Me: "I might have answers"

Anko: "For starters why do you have multiple wounds all untreated?"

Me:" I escaped a pyscho's lair what do you expect"

Anko: "Next, why are you more than a Jonin despite no ninja registration"

Me:" I was trained by some strong people"

Anko: "You know I might not let you join the acedemy..."

Me:"No I have to do this no matter what!"

Anko:"Let me finish! ...Unless you and I train."

My face lit up in excitement as I thought of showing her my awesome moves
Anko:The genin graduation test is in a month, the nurses say you'll be in here for a week so that gives us 2 training weeks and a week in your class to meet people.
I thought over her offer before nodding vigorously excited at the prospect before staring off into space.

**2 weeks later**

After a week of training with Anko I was 100% sure she was insane;my sister had thrown me into a lake severval time as well as off a cliff when in a fit of rage. She also loved to summon snakes much to my disliking but I shocked her by summoning Griffin the tiger king and nearly knocking her out. All in all I had enjoyed the bonding but seeing as she had people to interrogate  we cut our intense training to a week. I had already moved into Anko's condo where I spent my free time eating,sleeping, and argueing with my crazy guardian about cleaning up since she never did;Overall though we got along perfectly. Tomorrow I started the academy and I was more nervous than excited; growing up with a homocidal sociopath I rarely interacted with people. I was out shopping since I wanted something new to wear and a new sword since Kimimaro wasn't around to give me his bones. I picked out a black katana with a golden hilt.

Me:"Mr. Shopkeeper how much is this sword?"
Shopkeeper: "3000 ryo"

Me:"Thats highway robbery!"

Shopkeeper:"You won't find finer swords in the country than here"

I gasped but forked over the money grumbling about the high price. I walked outside admiring my purchase. The sword was a true beauty with a sharp black blade slighty curved with a black sheath, a golden leaf symbol emblazened on it. The hilt was gold with a cris-crossing diamond pattern down to the wide hilt forming a T. I strapped it to my back then walked off in search of clothes; I arrived at a small store wedged in between vendor stalls.

I bought a few flak jackets, new pants, shirts, some kind of sandalls, and dangerously high supply of kunai,shurriken, and paper bombs. As I was walking out I was nearly trampled into the ground,I saved my self by jumping over the speeding orange blur that nearly burried me in dirt. I decided to follow it since I was bored; the blob which had revealed itself to be human stopped at a Ramen shop. I ducked into the stall scanning the people, my eyes stopped on the only person in there also the kid who had nearly trampled me. It was a kid with spiky blonde hair & big blue eyes. 3 whisker marks on his cheeks gave him a wild look. I saw googles on him but no headband so I assumed he was a student at this ninja academy since no other civillian child had been  that fast that I'd met. I charged up to him ready to confront him.

Me: "Kid whats the big idea in almost running me over!"

Naruto:"My name is Naruto Uzumaki not kid! "

He shouted back equally fired up and I smiled a little; He was loud just like Anko.
I sat down ordering Miso Pork Ramen for myself and 3 bowls to go for my sister. Naruto just looked at me confused as I ate slowly almost normal considering we were jus on the verge of an arguement. I finished placing down my chopsticks lightly before jumping onto the counter and pointing at Naruto.

Me: "I Makai Mitarashi challange you to a battle!"

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