Revolutionaries x Reader

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Prompt: 17
Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Marquis de Lafayette, and Hercules Mulligan

Lemon involved?
Kinda? Not really. Like it's half a sentence of something sexual so you're fine.

Requested by: Me :D

I heard a loud knock on my door. I looked at the clock and groaned, "It's 10 in the morning, it's way to early to be up..." I mumbled to myself. I looked through my apartment's peephole and smiled, quickly unlocking the door. "BOYS!" I yelled and jumped into my four best friends arms. There was Alexander Hamilton, the short loud mouth, John Laurens, the loveable guy that will do anything to protect the people he loves, Marquis de Lafayette (who's first name is Gilbert, but we never use it) the frenchiest fry, and Hercules Mulligan, the walking teddy bear.

"(Y/N)!!" They yelled and hugged me tightly, making it hard to breathe.

"I've missed you all so much!" I said, burring my face into Hercules's chest since he was directly in front of me. The four of the boys have been up north in Massachusetts for a project for History class. Mr. Washington had grouped the four boys together, and myself with the Schuyler sisters, Angelica, Eliza and Peggy. Peggy didn't talk too much and was scared to take risks. Angelica was the exact opposite. She wouldn't stop talking, and wanted to take a risk on every aspect of this project. Eliza was somewhere in between. We had been stationed in New Jersey which isn't too far from New York, where King's College is. The girls and I finished last week. "How was Massachusetts?" I asked, pulling away from the boys.

"It was wild."John said, before Herc nudged him, "But very educational..." He smiled innocently. I chuckled,

"You guys better not have partied to hard." I said before stepping aside to let them into my dorm.

"Well that's what this week is for mon amie! (my friend)" Lafayette said, putting his bag on the ground.

"This week?" I asked. The boys smirked at each other before turning back to me,

"ROAD TRIP!" They all yelled.

"Road trip? I questioned. Alexander slammed a map on my coffee table.

"10 states, 10 cities, 14 days, 4 guys, 1 girl, and endless moments of Herc's gas." Alex explained.

"Hey!" Herc laughed.

"It'll be fun!" John smiled. They all looked at me pleadingly, and I smiled softly. I missed these idiots so much.

"Alright, alright, alright." I laughed making the Matthew McConaughey reference. The boys cheered before I raced to pack a bag.


"Mmmm..." I moaned in content as I ate a Philly cheese stake, "Philly has the best food."

We ended up leaving at 3, cause it took me about 20 minutes to pack with all the boys helping me, but we had to plan travel arrangements. We were taking John's car, but we needed to get a few gas tanks in case we ran out of gas on the road. We also went to the store to grab random chips and drinks for the ride which took way longer than it should have. First main stop was Philadelphia, but we stopped somewhere in New Jersey to check out a famous dueling site or something? I think the town was called Weehawken. Anyway, when we finally reached Philly around 8 at the night, we decided to stay the night since there was an Eagles game. They were versing the Giants so Hercules demanded that we go somewhere to watch it.

"Go go go go go go gO GO GO GO GO TOUCHDOWN!!!!!" Herc jumped up and screamed in unison with a few other Giants fans. The Eagles fans that were in the bar glared at our table since he was the loudest of them all. John, Lafayette, Alex and I were laughing our asses of as we watched Hercules take a big gulp of his beer since the Giants had scored.

"Another round guys?" I asked, standing up. Luckily our hotel was down the street so no one had to drive to the hotel so we could get pretty drunk. They all nodded before I went up to the bar for our third round. I held up 5 fingers, singling I would need 5 beers before sitting on one of the bar chairs.

"H-Hey baby, how's it shaken...?" A tall man who was clearly drunk asked me as he slid his arm around my shoulders.

"Sorry pal, not interested." I grumbled and shook his arm off of me.

"Awww c-come on baby. I can show you a good time." He slurred as his arm returned around my shoulder and his hand was moving towards my breast. He squeezed it right before I shook him off again.

"And I said I'm not interested. Now beat it." I said, glaring at him.

"Oh I'll show you interested." He said as he grabbed my wrist and stood me up, pulling me close to him.

"GET OFF OF ME!" I yelled, trying to get away from him.

"Not a chance d-darling" He smirked as his hand started to go up my shirt. Just then someone punched him and he fell to the ground. The boys looked at me,

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?" They all asked. Lafayette grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug as John cracked his knuckles and got a napkin to wipe the drunk guy's blood off of his hand. The guy's lip was bleeding, but nothing too serious. 

"That's what you get for messing with her, enfoiré. (you bastard)" Lafayette glared at the guy as he scampered to his feet and ran out of the bar. I buried my head into Lafayette's chest as the other boys either joined the hug or rubbed my back soothingly. I smiled at the 4 boys, as they all smiled at me.

"Come on, lets get back to the game." I said, grabbing my beer and heading back to our table. The four guys looked at each other. "You guys coming? Or are you too pussy to take on another round?" I smirked holding up my beer before taking a sip. The four guys smirked before grabbing their beers and sitting back down at the table.

To be continued...?

Hey guys! Let me know if you want a part two! I wanted to make the first one for myself before taking requests! I hope you enjoy!! <3

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