Sarah was witty, intelligent and a socialite . She was constantly surrounded by people hence this party at her place for her 25th birthday, and she was, or as far as I could tell, straight. However my gay little mind couldn't turn off just how much I wanted to do unspeakable things to her. She had this pull that made me want to take her into that closet and ravish her.

However at the end of the day, I respected her too much to do something that would fuck a lot of things up; putting my hands on her, or even appearing to be interested would certainly get me a one-way ticket to "kicked-out-of-her-life"zone.

The game ended close to ten, and everyone started to pack up and head home. The food was gone and the drinks drunk... Sa's 25th Birthday party was a success. It was kind of childish to still be playing this sort of game at our age, but it was held at Sa's luxurious Condo and it was Sa's favourite game, so no complaints from anyone. Sa was home schooled as a child and missed out on all the childish games that you'd normally out grow. Last year Sa even arranged for a giant bob-for-apples barrel where you bob for apples in wine, and she brought in a bouncy castle full of marshmallows. When she said she wanted to relieve her childhood, she went all out!

I lingered in the kitchen while Sa showed out that last of the guests. I heard the door close and came out with two glasses of wine, handing her one.

"Happy 25th birthday" I smiled. She took the glass gratefully and ran a hand through her messy curls, looking around at the mess her house was in.

"I can't believe you told Liam you were in love with his girlfriend. He looked like he was going to have a heart attack!" She said, grinning from ear to ear " It was hilarious to see him so disturbed, almost made up for the misogynistic comments he made about me earlier in the day".

I grinned "Anything to avoid kissing that slob. What did he say to you?".

Sa sighed and walked past me into the kitchen "'Great Tits'. And '25 but still fine'. I mean if he actually thinks those are good pick up lines, I'm not surprised that Lily keeps complaining about him. Also it's good you didn't kiss him. Lily has a mean temper" Sa said as she washed her now empty glass in the kitchen sink.

"Yeah I heard. The other day I saw them down the street, bickering about a new car Liam bought for her that she didn't want. I think she drove him back to the car dealer and shook the money out of the poor guy" I replied, smiling as Sarah had a hearty laugh at that imagry.

"Oh God, that would be a sight to see! Anyway I'm beat. I'm not dealing with what's out there. Are you sleeping over again? I'm sorry...the couch...." Sa said as she poured herself another glass.

"So you'll let me into your bed, finally?" I grinned, reached around her for the bottle of wine, just so I could brush up against her body, and poured myself another glass as well.

Sa flashed me a smile that temporarily stopped my heart. She downed the second glass, then sighed and went over to wash the glass again, and the dishes that were left piling in the sink.

"Go have a bath first, you know how I take hours. The towels are in the usual place" she said, leaving me no option but to do as she suggested...after I took a long look at that ass.

I pulled on a shirt from within her closet after my bath. She was two sizes bigger than me, especially in the chest department, so anything she wore hung off me nicely. I left my own clothes in a pile at the door just to annoy Sarah. I loved it when she would see the clothes and say "You know exactly how to take yourself and your clothes, to the washing machine, and how you can leave both yourself and your clothes there, permanently", her face always flushed a shade of pink when she did that, it was adorable. 

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