Chapter 10

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"The strongest people have a past filled with chaos, heartbreak and disappointment."

-----Rob's POV-----

We walk downstairs where Dylan and Tym are talking about what we are doing.

"What took you two so long?" Dylan asks then wiggles his eyebrows.

"Nothing, just talkin'." Preston says.

"Whatever you say."

"What were you two talking about?" I ask.

"About the games we are going to play." Tym says.

"Like what?" Preston asked.

"Like, spin the bottle." She says.

"I'm ok with that." I say.

"Yeah, we should wait until after we eat."

"Yeah, I'm starving." Tym says.

"After supper we are playing spin the bottle?" Dylan asks.


"Ok, come get me from my room after supper then." He says.

"M'kay." Everyone except Dylan sits in the living room as we watch anime. Tymorilyn gets up and says something about getting her stuff put away. Which leaves Rob and I to ourselves. We continue to watch anime until Rob turns off the TV.

"What do you think about spin the bottle?" He asked me.

"I'm fine with it, you?"

"Yeah, same here."

"But, what I think they're going to do is only let us spin the bottle and then once we kiss then they will get out of it."

"Totally." Rob keeps looking at me with his chocolate brown eyes. I couldn't look away from them, they are beautiful. It was like looking into a night sky, and seeing all the stars. He started to lean in, I leaned in too. We met halfway and we kissed, it only last a few seconds. But that few seconds felt like it could go on forever. Once he stopped he looked at me, I wanted him to keep kissing me, I love the taste of him. I kept looking at him with puppy eyes. He looked away, then back at me and kissed me again.

"You just couldn't wait till tonight could you?" A voice behind us says. We stop kissing and look at them, it was Tym, she took a picture of us too. I started blushing when she showed it to us. I hid my face in Rob's chest.

"We are going to our room." Rob says.

"Ooo..." She said. Rob carried me upstairs and laid me on the bed. Instead of just cuddling with Rob, I also fell asleep. I woke up and Rob was asleep next to me. I looked at the time, it was almost 7. I continued to lay down with Rob until I heard footsteps running up the stairs. When Dylan opened the door, he looked at us then walked in quietly.

"Supper is almost ready if you're hungry, Tym was to lazy so she got me to come tell you." He whispered to me.

"I'm not that hungry anymore." I whisper back.

"When he wakes up tell him we saved some just in case."

"Ok, bye." Dylan leaves after that. When he closes the door, I look back at my sleeping Rob. He looked so... happy when he was sleeping. I fell back asleep, next to Rob. The next time I woke up Rob was gone and I was alone in my bed. I got up and tried to walk downstairs. My leg was asleep so it hurt a lot what I tried to move it. When I got downstairs I saw everyone watching TV waiting for me. Luckily, no one saw me walk down the stairs. I snuck up on Tym and Dylan who were sitting on the same couch. I jumped out and yelled boo. Dylan jumped and dropped the candy he was eating.

"Why?" Dylan asks while picking up the pieces of skittles that fell on the floor.

"I don't know, but that was a great reaction." I fell on the floor laughing. Dylan started throwing the skittles that he picked up at me. When he ran out I stopped laughing and sat next to Rob.

"Nice job." He says then fist bumps me.


We finish the TV show they were watching and started playing spin the bottle. Rob went first and it landed on Dylan. When they kissed, I started getting this feeling inside of me. They stopped almost instantly and I cooled down after that. After Rob it was my turn, I spun the bottle and it landed on Rob. I kissed him and put as much passion as I could into it. The kiss lasted for 30 seconds, we had to break up for air. When we turned back to them they were both smiling really big.

"What?" I ask innocently.

"Oh nothing, she was just showing me a picture she has." I gave Tym a death glare.

"I'm not going to delete it." She says reading my mind.

"Just wait, I am going to get a funny picture of you too."

"Of me doing what?"

"I don't know."

"Looks like it's my turn." Dylan interrupts the conversation. He spins the bottle and it lands on Tym.

"Looks like I will get a good picture." I say getting my phone out. By the time I had my phone ready they had already kissed.

"Or not." Tym says back.

"Can we go to bed now?" Rob asks rubbing his eyes like a little kid.

"I guess." I say. We all head to our rooms and fall asleep, except me. I stay awake until I hear Rob snoring then I get out of his grasp and go downstairs. I wasn't tired so I first got a cup of water. That didn't help me fall asleep, then I got a cup of milk. It didn't help either, so I decided to search it up. It all just says to hold my breath and inhale and exhale until I fall asleep. None of it really helped. I just went back upstairs and laid down with Rob until sleep took over me. I didn't have a dream that night, I was just... sleeping.

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