Chapter 2

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"Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves."

-----Rob's POV-----

I woke up with lots of bruises and aches. Then after remembering what happened last night I decided to go check on my sister. Before I do I get dressed and put a blue hoodie on, when I walked into her room she was asleep. I woke her up and told her it was almost time for school.

"I don't wanna wake up."

"So you want to stay here all day with dad?" After I said that she was up instantly.

"Ok, while you get dressed I will be downstairs waiting for you." I left before she could answer. When I got downstairs I sat on the couch and checked my phone. I had 3 missed calls from Preston and 2 from Dylan. I also had 53 messages from Preston. I scrolled through them.



"Why aren't u answering?"

"R u ok?"

"Did something happen?"

"Are you dead?" The messages kept going on from there. I decided I should probably message back before he gets to worried.

R-Hey dood, sorry I was really tired last night.

P-Oh, ok was starting to get worried

R-I could tell.

P- Yeah, sorry about all those messages I tried calling from Dylan's phone thinking it was just mine.

R-It's okay, I'll see you at school?"

P-Yep, on my way now, u?"



While I was texting him Tym was waiting by the door.

"Done talking to your BOYFRIEND?"

"We aren't a couple."


We didn't talk the rest of the way to school, we never really had long conversations. It was weird considering we grew up together.

-----Preston's POV-----

Once Dylan and I got to school we waited outside the front doors wanting to wait for Rob and Tym.


We were on our way to school and we were about a block away from it when two of the school bullies came out of the bushes. They started calling us names and kicking and punching us. When they were done, they walked away like it was nothing, like we were nothing.

Flashback over

I was sitting on a school bench outside and Rob was on my left and Dylan on my right.

"What happened?" Rob asked me, concern laced in his voice.

"I-I don't know."

"Ok, we can talk about it later but a few more minutes till the bell rings." We all got up and left and went to our first class.

-Time Skip-

It was lunch time and we were all walking to the cafeteria. When we were almost there Rob pulled me into the janitor's closet.

"What happened?"

"W-what do you m-mean?"

"This morning, when you passed out?"

"It was n-nothing."

"Ok, but when you are ready to tell me I will be ready to help you."

"Ok..." I couldn't stop thinking about this morning. Who were the people hurting us? Why did they do it? I had so many questions, maybe I could talk to Dylan. Once he was done talking to me we both left and went to the table we sat at with Tym and Dylan. Once lunch was over the rest of the day seemed to go fast. It was Friday so I was going to ask Rob if he wanted to stay over at our house for the weekend.

"Robbiee, can you stay at our house this weekend?"

"I can ask, but can Tym come too?"

"Uhmm, sure." It seemed like she went everywhere with Rob. After a few minutes of Rob texting his dad, he finally answered.

"Yeah, but we will have to go home and pack a bag."

"Ok, want us to come and help?"

"NO." He said almost instantly.

"Ok, we will just wait at the school for you then?"

"Sounds fine. See ya in a few." With that he left with Tym to their house. While they were gone I decided to talk to Dylan during this time.

"So what really happened this morning?"

"Hmm, well first we were waiting on Tym and Rob, then when they turned the corner you just passed out, and Rob helped me drag you to the bench, and after a few minutes you woke up."

"Hmm, well while I was passed out I had a flashback of a few years ago."

"Really, what was it?"

"Umm, we were walking somewhere and these two kids came out of a bush or something and they started to hit and kick us, they also called us names."


"Sorry, if that brought back that memory."

"No, that's the weird part.

"What's so weird."

"I don't remember that every happening."


"You said it was a few months ago?"


"Then I should remember it."

"Very weird."

I pulled out a school book that I was reading it was called To kill a mockingbird. I have read it a few times, I really like the quotes in it like "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." Another great quote is "I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do." I really enjoy reading this book, Dylan doesn't do a whole bunch of reading but when I do see him reading I harass him about it so he does it when he is alone.

A few minutes later Rob and Tym showed up and they both had a suitcase with them.

"Ready to have a great weekend?!"

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